
[Odd that Mssr. Fisk, Margolis and the ZNET gang
didn't see this coming. Odd a lot of things they say
and do.]

Tuesday January 8 11:01 AM ET 
Afghanistan May Ask Foreign Forces in More Cities
KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) - New Afghan interim
leader Hamid Karzai said Tuesday he might ask the
international community to provide more foreign forces
to patrol cities beyond the capital, Kabul, if the
need arose.
Asked in an interview with the BBC if Afghanistan felt
a need for more foreign forces, Karzai said: ``The
delegations that I receive ... keep asking for a
larger number of international security forces and to
be deployed in other provinces, other cities of
``As need arises, we might ask for that,´´ he said.
However, he said Afghanistan would not ask the United
States to ease up on its bombing campaign until it had
hunted down renegades -- such as Osama bin Laden and
Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar.
``The presence of the international security force is
basically a symbol of commitment by the international
community,´´ he said.

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