
China nukes to be pointed at U.S.

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By John J. Lumpkin

Jan. 9, 2002 | WASHINGTON -- 

China is expected to have between 75 and 100 long-range nuclear missiles
pointed at the United States by 2015, roughly quadruple the current
number, according to a CIA report released Wednesday. 

Many of those intercontinental ballistic missiles will be on mobile
launchers, helping China maintain a nuclear deterrent against the vastly
larger U.S. missile force, says the report, titled "Foreign Missile
Developments and the Ballistic Missile Threat Through 2015." 

Echoing earlier intelligence estimates, the report also says North Korea
and Iran will probably have long-range missiles capable of reaching the
United States by 2015. These assessments have been used to justify U.S.
plans for multibillion-dollar missile defense systems capable of
shooting down a limited ICBM attack on the continental United States. 

The report draws together information and analyses from the CIA and
other U.S. intelligence. 

Currently, China has about 20 silos with CSS-4 nuclear ICBMs capable of
reaching the United States, the report says. It also has a few
medium-range, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and probably one
submarine from which to launch them. 

The Chinese military is developing three new missile systems, all of
which could be fielded by 2010, the report says. The Chinese may also be
able to mount multiple-independent re-entry vehicles - MIRVs - on its
older silo-based missiles. These enable a single missile to launch
warheads at several targets, vastly increasing potential damage. 

China sees an expanded ICBM force necessary to overcome a U.S. missile
defense system, maintaining its ability to strike the U.S. mainland.
This would provide a deterrent during a conflict over Taiwan. While U.S.
officials insist the missile defense program is to defeat strikes by
North Korea and other "rogue" nations, some of those proposed defenses
might have been sufficient to shoot down all 20 Chinese ICBMs. Eighty
missiles would be too many, however. 

China also is expanding its short-range ballistic missile force, and
will probably have several hundred by 2005, the report says. These are
armed with conventional warheads which could be used to bombard Taiwan
from the Chinese mainland. 

North Korea, meanwhile, has halted missile flight-testing until at least
2003, although it continues to develop the Taepo Dong-2, a two-stage
missile that would be capable of reaching the western United States.
North Korea also probably has one or two nuclear weapons that could be
mounted on those missiles, the report says. 

Iran, meanwhile, might be able to test a long-range missile around 2005,
the report says, but more likely won't have the capability to do so
until 2010. 

The report reflects some differences of opinion between U.S.
intelligence agencies, with one unidentified agency arguing that Iran
won't be able to test missiles able to reach the U.S. mainland even by
2015. Its projections also assume each country's political direction
will not change significantly during the next 13 years. 

Ongoing U.N. prohibitions prevent Iraq from importing most of the
equipment and expertise it needs to create an ICBM, the report says, but
if those were lifted, Iraq could rapidly develop such weapons with
substantial foreign assistance. 

Russia's strategic missile force will continue to get smaller, but
Russia will still have far and away the largest nuclear missile
inventory capable of hitting the United States, the report says. 

Terrorists aren't expected to employ long-range missiles to deliver
nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction on the United States, the
report says. 

"Ships, trucks, airplanes and other means may be used," it says. 

Associated Press

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