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.Somali President Rules Out US Strike on His Country.
The president of Somalia's transitional government on Tuesday ruled out any
US strike on his country, which he said no longer harbours terrorist
organisations, Al-Zaman daily reported in its Wednesday issue.

The president of Somalia's transitional government on Tuesday ruled out any
US strike on his country, which he said no longer harbours terrorist
organisations, Al-Zaman daily reported in its Wednesday issue.

"We have succeeded in opening a direct dialogue with the Americans and we do
not think the United States  will carry out any kind of strike against
Somalia," Abdulkassim Salat Hassan told the London-based daily.

"Somalia no longer harbours camps of (chief terror suspect Osama bin
Laden's) al-Qaeda network. Somalia is in the anti-terrorist camp," Hassan

Somalia's Prime Minister Hassan Abshir Farah said Sunday that "bin Laden
can't come to Somalia and get safe haven."

"We have trained 26,000 police. We can find and arrest anyone they tell us
to," he said, referring to the United States.

US officials have often expressed concern that Somalia, which has not had a
strong central government since the fall of president Mohammed Siad Barre in
1991, is home to individuals or groups linked to the al-Qaeda network.

General Tommy Franks, commander of US military operations in Afghanistan
said last week that the United States was keeping Somalia under observation.


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