" In a lengthy news conference, wearing a U.S. flag  lapel
pin, Khalilzad offered hints into how he - and  his boss in
Washington - will approach the Afghanistan  issue on the
ground in Kabul."
Associated Press must really be scraping the bottom of the barrel
to print trash like this. Even "CIA-CNN" could do better. This doesn't
even make good war propaganda
----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 7:20 AM
Subject: Zalmay 'Herod' Khalilzad: War is an imperfect business [
Wednesday, January 9, 2002 
U.S. envoy to Afghanistan: bombing must continue to
 prevent 'bin Laden Jr.' 
 Associated Press Writer
KABUL, Afghanistan - Bombardment in Afghanistan must
 eliminate all remaining Taliban and al-Qaida
 strongholds so extremists cannot regroup and
 ultimately produce a "bin Laden Jr.," the American
 special envoy to Afghanistan said Tuesday.
Zalmay Khalilzad, in his fourth day on the job as
 President Bush's eyes and ears in Afghanistan, also
 said coalition attacks that kill civilians are
 unfortunate but that blame must be placed on those who
 started the conflict.
"War," he said, "is an imperfect business."
In a lengthy news conference, wearing a U.S. flag
 lapel pin, Khalilzad offered hints into how he - and
 his boss in Washington - will approach the Afghanistan
 issue on the ground in Kabul. The message: strong, but
"I have no doubt whatsoever that continuing to achieve
 these goals is the best way to proceed," Khalilzad
He acknowledged U.S. mistakes in Afghanistan in the
 past, saying the Americans should have helped the
 country rebuild after assisting it against the Soviet
"More should have been done" by both the Clinton and
 first Bush administrations once Soviet-backed rule
 ended and violent factional fighting began in 1992, he
This time, Khalilzad said, the United States is in for
 the duration to help the Afghan people launch an era
 of stability and "preclude a return to chaos and bin
 Laden Jr. somewhere down the road."
Khalilzad's contention that Taliban and al-Qaida
 elements are trying to regroup, particularly in
 eastern and southern Afghanistan, to vex the interim
 government ran counter to statements by British Prime
 Minister Tony Blair. In Pakistan on Monday, Blair said
 the coalition had "effectively shut down the al-Qaida
 terrorist network in Afghanistan."
The U.S. envoy's message reflected Bush's pledge since
 hours after the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States
 that Washington "would not rest" until all responsible
 were brought to justice.
Some Afghan tribal leaders have said the U.S. bombing
 has lasted long enough and must stop before more
 civilians die. But Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. John
 Stufflebeem said the United States this week was
 bombarding mountainous eastern Afghanistan because
 "we're finding stuff, and we're attacking that stuff."
Khalilzad emphasized that the United States was
 sensitive to concerns about how the bombardment was
 affecting the population.
"We do not target civilians. But civilians sometimes
 unfortunately do get affected, even killed, in
 conflicts," he said. "We are extremely sorry and we
 regret deeply any civilian loss of life."
In case of reports of errant bombings, he said, "We
 will investigate. We are investigating. And if we have
 made mistakes, we will announce the error."
Khalilzad, an ethnic Pashtun born in the northern city
 of Mazar-e-Sharif, was appointed by Bush on Dec. 31.
 He will report to Bush through Secretary of State
 Colin Powell and will retain his job with the National
 Security Council.
He arrived in Afghanistan on Saturday.
The U.N. envoy to Afghanistan, Lakhdar Brahimi, said
Monday that he had spoken to Khalilzad about civilian
casualties. "It is a concern of his as much as it is
of mine," Brahimi said. "We have no disagreement on
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