
[Every single one of the eighteen NATO-led
occupation/colonization forces are from NATO regimes
or, as in the case of farflung New Zealand, of ANZUS;
in Bulgaria's, an overeager Partnership for Peace and
NATO candidate nation; and of previously neutral
Finland's, Sweden's and Austria's, of a country daily
dragged closer into the NATO web. So much for
post-war, or even pre-War World II, military
neutrality. The international 'war against terrorism'
is or has become nothing other than the next phase of
U.S.-dominated NATO global expansion.] 

Thursday January 10 9:26 AM ET 
UK Says Kabul Force to Total 5,000 From 18 Nations
LONDON (Reuters) - An international peacekeeping force
which will eventually total 5,000 troops from 18
countries is now operational in the Afghan capital,
Britain said on Thursday. Defense Secretary Geoff Hoon
also confirmed that Britain would relinquish ``lead
nation status创 of the stabilization force after three
months and hinted that Turkey may take charge. The
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) will be
at full strength by mid-February. 
``Participation of these countries will be formalized
this afternoon with the signing of a memorandum of
understanding here in London,创 Hoon told parliament. 
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand,
Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden and Turkey
are all contributing alongside Britain. ``The ISAF
will operate in Kabul and Kabul alone,创 Hoon said.
``In total, the force will be around 5,000 strong.创
This figure is 500 more than previous estimates of the
peacekeeping force磗 strength. Britain will provide
the lion磗 share of soldiers -- about 1,800 personnel
plus almost another 300 to repair and operate Bagram
airport, which serves the capital. 
``We shall hand over our lead nation status to one of
our partners after three (months),创 Hoon said. ``I am
delighted that Turkey has already expressed an
interest in this.创 
But a senior Foreign Office said some British forces
would be there for considerably longer than that. 
``Will there be some military presence there for some
time? Yes,创 the source said. ``Will it be less than
the current force? I think so.创 
The Defense Secretary said British troops had been
patrolling in Kabul for two weeks now and French
soldiers had started doing the same on Wednesday. 
``These patrols have been extremely well received by
the people of Kabul,创 Hoon said. 

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