
Yes, I don't think this would be a good angle for Mr. Milosevic to take, to
claim that Western leaders "worked closely with him".  I don't know when Western
leaders ever worked "with" Yugoslavia, clearly their greatest crimes were
committed by working AGAINST Yugoslavia!

Mager Lee wrote:

> ---------------------------
> "Commentators believe Milosevic hopes that by calling Western leaders as
> witnesses he will be able to humiliate them and to show that they worked
> closely with him during much of the 1990s as the old Yugoslavia broke apart
> in bloodshed."
> Not this pathetic theory again! The BBC said last week that the killing of
> 107 Afghan villagers could prove "embarrassing" for the US. Now Milosevic
> might be able to "humiliate" western leaders? Even if one is to accept the
> implication that the only thing western powers did that was morally wrong
> was to "work closely" with Milosevic (a horrific lie which is sickening for
> anybody who experienced Krajine, Djakovica, Nis, Novi Sad and so on ad
> nazium (I know it's not a word, but it should be!), why is it only an
> "embarrassment" for them, yet Milosevic's role (still assuming one accepts
> the lies) is described as "genocidal", "monstrous" and "tyrannical"?
> Perhaps this is the sort of thing we can expect on television in the future:
> Interviewer: "So, Madeleine Albright, what was your most embarrassing moment
> as Secretary of State?"
> Albright "<chuckles> well, there have been many, it's a difficult job with
> so many eyes on you waiting for you to slip up, especially being a woman!
> Perhaps the time I attended the NATO 50th anniversary gathering and I
> discovered that one of the other ladies was wearing the same shoes as me!
> That left me a little red-faced, I can tell you! Possibly I would say the
> *most* embarrassing however was the time when NATO dropped cluster bombs in
> Nis marketplace on a busy afternoon in 1999, massacring the shoppers and
> leaving the survivors terribly maimed. I certainly get a little hot under
> the collar when that one is brought up! <chuckles>"
> Interviewer: "No! The SAME shoes?? How awful!"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barry Stoller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 09 January 2002 20:16
> Subject: Milosevic wants NATO on trial [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
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