
Daily Telegraph

Military 'will not accept Mugabe defeat'
By Peta Thornycroft in Harare and Tim Butcher in Johannesburg
(Filed: 10/01/2002)

ZIMBABWE'S military hinted strongly last night that it would refuse to
accept the result if President Mugabe loses the election in March.

Mugabe has total support of the military for his re-election
As Mr Mugabe finally set March 9-10 as the dates for the presidential vote,
the military and secret police issued a thinly veiled threat.

"The security organisations will only stand in support of those political
leaders that will pursue Zimbabwean values, traditions and beliefs for
thousands of lives lost in pursuit of Zimbabwe's hard-won independence,"
said Gen Vitalis Zvinavashe, the defence forces commander.

"[The president] is expected to observe the objectives of the liberation
struggle. We will therefore not accept, let alone support or salute anyone
with a different agenda." The armed forces statement appeared to be part of
a concerted campaign by Mr Mugabe's supporters to ensure that their leader
is re-elected.

Parliament met late into the night to consider a raft of legislation
designed to lessen the chances of an opposition victory. The measures would
ban foreign correspondents, register local journalists and give police
sweeping powers to search and arrest opponents of Mr Mugabe.

The general sought to increase pressure on opposition MPs by asking
parliamentarians to "enact laws that protect our sovereignty and
independence and that serve the interests of the majority of Zimbabweans".
The ruling Zanu-PF has suspended regular parliamentary procedures to make
way for an extended sitting to begin fast-tracking the bills.

Critics say the planned Access to Information Bill is a draconian measure
designed to constrain the independent media, including barring foreigners
from working in the country as correspondents. In Zimbabwe, the government
runs television and most radio stations. There is only one independent
newspaper. Critics say it is anxious to keep anything but its own line from
the public.

The security laws would give police wider powers of search, arrest and
detention, require stringent permits for public meetings. Both bills would
outlaw verbal or written criticism of Mr Mugabe that could "engender
hostility and hatred" of him. Most of the new measures carry large fines and
terms of imprisonment.

The president faces his toughest political battle in the election against
the opposition Movement for Democratic Change. Analysts say Zanu-PF has seen
its popularity fall as human rights abuses, including political killings and
forced seizure of white farmland, have increased.

The military have long been accused of offering logistical support to
squatters who have led the often violent invasion of white-owned farms that
the government has slated for redistribution to landless blacks. They are
also said to have profited from Mr Mugabe's military adventure in the
Democratic Republic of Congo.

The MDC managed to win a majority in a vote on Tuesday on the so-called
General Amendments Bill after Zanu-PF MPs failed to attend in sufficient
numbers. The bill would have banned local independent monitors from the
presidential election.

"The government wants to play down its defeat, but effectively it cannot
bring the bill back to parliament during this current session," the MDC
spokesman, Learnmore Jongwe, said. In the event of it being forced through,
"we will no doubt have to seek the interference of the courts."

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