
This decision to break off the talks and resume the war, was obviously not
even made
in Columbia  or by the Pastrana government.  It was made in Washington D.C.
Langley Virginia . The Columbian puppet, so called "government" is, like all
Nazi's,  "only  following orders".  I fear that the U.S, feeling flush over
it's conquest of
Afghanistan and also threatened by  it's recent loss of influence and
control in
Venezuela and  Argentina,  now feels the need to make the Columbian people
example of what will happen to any others who dare stand up to them.

----- Original Message -----
From: Barry Stoller
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 9:27 PM
Subject: [pttp] Colombia - update

Reuters. 10 January 2002. Colombian Army Closes In, Rebels Say Want

LOS POZOS -- Colombian tanks and troops closed in on a huge FARC
guerrilla enclave on Thursday, despite the rebels' insistence that they
were still ready to engage in peace talks.

As heavily armed government units deployed in jungle and savanna near
the FARC's demilitarized zone, senior commanders awaited attack orders
from President Andres Pastrana, who declared peace talks dead on
Wednesday night.

But guerrilla spokesman Raul Reyes said the FARC was puzzled by
Pastrana's talk of a 48-hour deadline for them to evacuate the southern
Colombian safe haven, which they have occupied since peace talks began
in late 1998.

"It's the government which should return to the negotiating table, not
the FARC, because we never left it," Reyes told reporters, reading a
communique in the dusty town of Los Pozos inside the enclave, where the
negotiations have been held.

In a sign the government was still seeking a deal, officials said on
Thursday it was not clear when the 48-hour countdown would begin.

The FARC was also confused by the ultimatum's timing, Reyes said, adding
they were ready to meet foreign mediators.

The FARC have already sent many of their fighters out of the enclave's
main town, San Vicente, and into nearby jungle.

Eliana Gonzales, a 45-year-old member of a FARC force left behind, said
she was ready to fight.

"Everyone is afraid, but we are staying put. We have been here forever,"
she said, gripping her AK-47 assault rifle.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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