
Letter to the "El Paso Times" published. 

The El Paso Times
El Paso, TX
Thursday, January 10, 2002 
                                      Clean up messes 
          Thanks for the Jan. 2 editorial "U.S. must
help solve unexploded-ordnance problem," regarding
unexploded ordnance from cluster bombs used in
          I agree that the U.S. should lead the effort
to clean up the messes it creates. I only wish that
the editorial had gone farther when discussing our
illegal bombardment of Kosovo to include the
radioactive uranium ammunition used in "tankbusters."
The radioactivity has been attributed by some to have
caused premature cancers or deaths in a number of
peacekeepers stationed there. 
          Also, the editorial should have included the
deliberate bombing of factories such as the massive
petrochemical complex in Pancevo which resulted in a
massive release of thousands of gallons of toxic
chemicals such as PCBs, ethylene dichloride and
hydrofluoric acid into the Danube River (Europe's
longest waterway) and surrounding ground-water table. 
          Despite the much-promised aid for cleanup
that was to be forthcoming with the replacement of
Slobodan Milosevic with more "Western-friendly"
leaders, very little has actually materialized,
leaving a large section of southeastern Europe
poisoned, and an economic engine for the entire
Balkans disabled. 
Michael Pravica
Las Vegas, N.M 

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