
[The Atlantic Community in the Mediterranean.
What's geography got to do with geopolitics?
As European NATO jets patrol the skies of the U.S.
eastern coast and Norwegians fill in for the U.S. in
the latter's 'geostrategically' vital waters off the
coasts of Italy, Lebanon, Libya and Yugoslavia, U.S.
submarines are freed up to "limp back" to Norwegian
ports hours after the sinking of the Russian submarine
The Kursk.
And to prowl the seas off the coasts of Russia, China,
India, Iran, Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela, Vietnam, Iraq,
Malaysia and a host of other countries.]

The Norway Post 
Friday, 11.1.2002
10. January 2002  
Norwegian sub on NATO patrol in the Mediterranean 
The Norwegian Navy's submarine "KNM Uthaug" with a
crew of 22 is leaving Friday to join the NATO fleet on
patrol in the eastern Mediterranean.  
These waters were earlier patrolled by US naval
vessels, but these are now released because of the US
operations in Afghanistan.
NATO has taken over, and has asked Norway to supply a
The submarine is the second Norwegian naval vessel
taking part in the patrolling of the Meditarrenaen.
The frigate "KNM Narvik" has been a part of the NATO
contingent since December.

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