
In connection with Somalia, have any of you seen the History Channel promos
for the 'real story' behind 'Black Hawk Down'?  The most common comment of
these Somali 'vets' was to the effect of, 'Gee, we had these overwhelming
feeling of hostility.  All these people wanted to KILL US!'

Well duh!  Let's try this one out for size.  A bunch of yahoos unleash
several 'raids' in your hometown.  Sections of your city are turned to
rubble, hundreds killed (women and children included) outright, thousands
maimed and wounded.  And, in the process of attacking these civilians,
again, you manage to knock down one their attacking craft.  Would YOU want
to KILL some of those foreigners who had wrought this evil on you and yours?

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 04:51
Subject: Re: Somalian president: US is terrorizing us [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

> ---------------------------
> Raising the specter of a disastrous U.S. humanitarian intervention in
> Somalia in the early 1990s in which more than 20 American
> servicemen
> were killed, Abdiqassim said the United States should fight
> terrorism by
> pursuing peace, not war.>>>>>
>  And how many Somalian civilians were killed???... How naive of
> me to assume that's an inportant statistic...
> On 11 Jan 02, at 13:36, Barry Stoller wrote:
> > ---------------------------
> >
> >
> > Reuters. 11 January 2002. Somali Ruler Says Country 'Terrorized' by U.S.
> >
> > KHARTOUM -- The president of Somalia's transitional government said
> > Friday that his people had been "terrorized" by a U.S. propaganda
> > campaign portraying the country as a possible haven for Osama bin
> > Laden's followers.
> >
> > President Abdiqassim Salad Hassan told Reuters television that fears of
> > U.S. military strikes were hindering efforts to bring peace to the
> > country, considered by Washington as a potential target in its war on
> > terror.
> >
> > "People are terrorized by this campaign of propaganda against Somalia,"
> > Abdiqassim said in an interview in the Sudanese capital Khartoum, where
> > he was attending a summit.
> >
> > "People are terrorized to see the largest country in the world threaten
> > this poor country that has been ravaged by civil war for 10 years," he
> > said.
> >
> > Abdiqassim reiterated his position that there are no bases of bin
> > Laden's al Qaeda network or other extremists in Somalia, and appealed
> > for help from Washington to stabilize his anarchic homeland.
> >
> > "We want to unite our country, and have for that the help of the
> > international community, so that Somalia will not be a breeding ground
> > for future terrorists," he said.
> >
> > Abdiqassim said his fledgling government had set up a committee to
> > combat terrorism and arrested several suspects, but its efforts were
> > being hampered by a lack of resources.
> >
> > Illustrating the government's problems, officials say they have not been
> > able to pay civil servants for four months and the information minister
> > has only one working telephone line.
> >
> > Abdiqassim warned that warlords opposed to his attempts to unite Somalia
> > were keen to exploit the United States' sudden interest in his country
> > to strengthen their bid overthrow his administration, the most serious
> > attempt to establish a central government for a decade.
> >
> > "For their own interest, they want to see America involved in Somalia,
> > Somalia bombed, and then for them to take over power like the Northern
> > Alliance did in Afghanistan," he said.
> >
> > Diplomats say warlords who watched the Northern Alliance rebels gain
> > power in Afghanistan with the help of U.S. military might are seeking a
> > repeat performance in Somalia.
> >
> > "But Somalia is not Afghanistan. The transitional national government is
> > not Taliban. I am not Mullah Mohammad Omar," the president said.
> >
> > A team of U.S. officials visited aides to opposition warlords in the
> > southern town of Baidoa for talks about the war on terror last month,
> > raising fears among aid workers that a hasty intervention could stir
> > further turmoil.
> >
> > Raising the specter of a disastrous U.S. humanitarian intervention in
> > Somalia in the early 1990s in which more than 20 American servicemen
> > were killed, Abdiqassim said the United States should fight terrorism by
> > pursuing peace, not war.
> >
> > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> >
> > Barry Stoller
> >
> >
> >

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