----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 5:36 PM
Subject: Argentina - Cuban statement (English)

January 11, 2002
Statement from the government of Cuba

At this time Argentine society demands the
and respect of everyone

Cuba is carefully following developments
in the sister
Republic of Argentina.

The Cuban government has noted with great
concern the
huge pressures being exercised from outside the country
in response to measures taken by the government headed
by President Eduardo Duhalde in search of a way out of
the dramatic situation existing there. The lack of
comprehension and solidarity on the part of certain
governments and transnational enterprises within the
international financial system and its institutions
has been made evident.

Argentina, the showcase of neoliberal philosophy,
has gone bankrupt. The real intentions of the
predators of the American peoples have been exposed.
The self-interest and ignoble way in which those who
hold the greatest responsibility for the prostration
of the Argentine people is shameful.

The enterprises and banks that obtained juicy profits
from the sweat and sacrifice of that sister nation,
the speculators and thieves who plundered that
nation's heritage and brought the country to bankruptcy,
and the governments of certain developed countries that
are now pressuring in defense of their interests should
accept that the Argentine people deserve an opportunity
to restore their nation.

At this time Argentine society demands the solidarity
and respect of everyone.

The present moment needs to be one of comprehension
and not of pressure, one of support for the measures,
moreover legitimate ones, that the new government is
attempting to apply in order to avert the nation's
definitive bankruptcy.

Cuba is confident that the Argentine nation will
be able to overcome the difficult situation in which
it currently finds itself, and expresses its sympathy
for and support of all those Argentine govent decisions
which are effectively leading to the unrestricted
defense of national interests,including the recovery
of production and national industry,the promotion of
its exports, job generation, the protection of its
workers, its indispensable and much-needed entry into
MERCOSUR and improved living standards for its people.

At this difficult time, and as always, Cuba stands
solidly with the Argentine people.

Havana, January 10, 200


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