----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 8:41 AM
Subject: Action Alert: Protest Home Demolitions

11 January 2002
For Immediate Release
Al-Awda Action Alert: Protest Home Demolitions

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, calls
on all people of conscience to express their outrage at
Israel's demolition on 10 January 2002 of 70 Palestinian
homes in Rafah refugee camp in occupied Gaza.

According to the Governor of Rafah, Majid al-Ajha, 124
families and a total of 700 individuals have been made
homeless as a consequence. These acts against a
defenseless civilian population are grave violations of
the Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection
of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

In a report dated November 20, 2001 Amnesty International
( also called on the Committee
Against Torture to declare that the demolition of
Palestinian homes constitutes cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment under Article 16 of the Convention Against Torture.


Please call, email and fax the White House and State
Department. Also, please take a moment to contact the


* Express your outrage that Israeli occupation forces
have demolished Palestinian homes in Rafah refugee camp
in occupied Gaza. More than 120 families representing a
total of 700 individuals have been made homeless as a

* Since its occupation began in 1967, Israel has
systematically demolished and confiscated the houses,
lands and orchards of   Palestinians, and has rendered
thousands of families homeless.

* These actions are grave violations of the 1949 Fourth
Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian
Persons in Time of War.

* Since September 2000, there has been a sharp upsurge
in the number   of houses demolished by Israel, especially
in the occupied Gaza Strip. The continuation of such wide
scale demolitions is an alarming and dangerous development
which will certainly inflame the situation on the ground.

* The United States has a legal and moral duty to act to
stop these Israeli abuses: as a High Contracting Party
to the Geneva Convention, the United States has undertaken
to enforce it. And as the chief supplier of military aid
and equipment to Israel,the United States must condition
such aid on Israel not using it to colonize the occupied
territories and to abuse human rights.

* Involving the American people in funding Israeli abuses
of International law and human rights is unacceptable. It
is also contrary to the Arms Export Control Act of 1976
and the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. Israel's attacks
on defenseless innocent civilians are a gross misuse of
U.S. military and economic aid.

*The United States cannot expect Israel's aggression
against a defenseless civilian population to be in its
short or long term interest.

President George W. Bush,
The White House,
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Phone: (202) 456-1414
Fax: (202) 456-2461

Secretary of State Colin Powell
Phone:(202) 647-4000 (202-647-5150)
Bureau of Near East Affairs
Fax: (202)261-8577

Letters may be faxed online via
Please cc your correspondence
To find contact information for media outlets in the
US, please visit these sites:

Please note that very few newspapers
will publish any letter over 250 words,
and less than that is common.
Also, please take a moment to sign
online the petition letter addressed
to the Secretary of State at:


Palestine Right to Return
P.O. Box 1172 Orange, CT
06477 Fax: (717) 832-1123
Press Room:

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
is the largest network of grassroots activists
dedicated to Palestinian human rights
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