

1) Philippine President Approves Joint Exercise With U.S. Troops 
2) 4 Killed in Philippine Military Plane Crash 
3) Philippine Government, MILF Agree on Truce Monitoring Terms 

1) Philippine President Approves Joint Exercise With U.S. Troops 
Xinhuanet 2002-01-14 16:05:20 

   MANILA, January 14 (Xinhuanet) -- Philippine President Gloria 
Macapagal-Arroyo has given the go-signal to the military to hold 
joint exercise with U.S. troops in Mindanao area, the southern 

   Presidential spokesman Rigoberto Tiglao said Monday that the 
plan for the "Mindanao Shoulder by Shoulder" exercise to be held 
in Basilan and Zamboanga was submitted by Armed Forces of the 
Philippines (AFP) officials and Defense Secretary Angelo Reyes and
was approved by Arroyo. 

   The exercise to be officially started on Tuesday will involve 
training of Philippine troops in an actual terrain of military 
operations and against an actual enemy, the Abu Sayyaf bandits. 

   Tiglao said that the U.S. personnel will not be engaged in 
combat, and they will be under the command and supervision of AFP 
officers. The program does not in any way involve the setting up 
of U.S. military facilities, he added.  

   He also said that the exercise will be undertaken under the 
framework of the Mutual Defense Treaty and the Visiting Forces 
Agreement between the two countries.

   Dozens of U.S. military advisers have arrived the Philippines 
in the past months to help training Philippine troops fighting 
against the Abu Sayyaf bandits who are still holding two American 
and one Filipino hostages.  

   Tiglao said since last May to January 11, 2002, 166 Abu Sayyaf 
leaders and members have been killed in fire-fights, 211 arrested 
and 104 have surrendered.

   The Abu Sayyaf bandit group, notorious for kidnapping-for-
ransom activities, is on U.S. list of international terrorist 


2) 4 Killed in Philippine Military Plane Crash 
Xinhuanet 2002-01-14 17:38:42 

   MANILA, January 14 (Xinhuanet) -- A military trainer plane crashed
into a residential neighborhood in the northern Philippines Monday
afternoon, killing at least four people.

   The bodies of two pilots and two other persons have been 
recovered. Fifteen houses in the crashing scene in the Cabanatuan 
City of Nueva Ecija province are still on fire and it is not clear
whether there are other casualties, the ABS-CBN news channel 

   Firefighters and rescue workers were immediately deployed to 
the scene. 

   Aviation officials have yet to determine the cause of the crash.


3) Philippine Government, MILF Agree on Truce Monitoring Terms 
Xinhuanet 2002-01-14 19:20:10 
   MANILA, January 14 (Xinhuanet) -- The Philippine government and 
the rebel Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) have agreed to set 
up local monitoring teams to ensure compliance with a ceasefire 
and rehabilitation agreement they signed last August. 

    Peace negotiators from the two sides met Saturday for a fourth
round of talks in the southern Philippine city of Cotabato on the 
composition of the monitoring teams, which will include 
representatives of local government units, two non-governmental 
organizations, and the religious sector. 

   "The local monitoring teams would hopefully strengthen the 
ceasefire agreement," MILF spokesman Eid Kabalu said in an 
interview with the Philippine Daily Inquirer online news on Monday.

   The negotiating panels have also urged representatives of the 
Organization of Islamic Conference, especially Malaysia, Libya, 
and Indonesia, to "observe and monitor" the ceasefire as well as 
the implementation of the agreement the two sides signed during 
their second round of talks in Malaysia in August last year.
   The agreement calls for a halt to the fighting, and relief, 
rehabilitation and development programs for the conflict areas in 
the southern island of Mindanao. 

   During their third round of talks last October, also in 
Malaysia, the two sides adopted a manual containing detailed 
instructions on how to implement the ceasefire, but failed to 
agree on the issue of who should lead and manage rehabilitation 
and development projects for Mindanao.

   Kabalu said the panels would meet again on February 11 on 
putting the monitoring teams into operation. But he said MILF 
fighters would defend themselves when attacked. Sporadic fighting 
has repeatedly occurred between government troops and MILF rebels 
despite the ceasefire agreement. 

   The 12,500-strong MILF has been waging a rebellion since 1978 
for the establishment of an independent Islamic state in poverty-
stricken Mindanao, home to most of the 5 million Muslim minority 
in the predominantly Roman Catholic country of 76.5 million people.

   The MILF, which pulled out of peace negotiations with the 
government in 2000 after former President Joseph Estrada ordered 
an all-out war against the group, resumed formal peace talks with 
the government in June 2001 in the Libyan capital of Tripoli. 


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