----- Original Message -----
From: Griann Ní Ghúilín <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 11:02 AM

Poster's Note: Today, 14th November, Turkish Prime Minister
Bulent Ecevit  will begin his visit to the U.S. Ecevit will be
accompanied by four  government ministers, six deputies, 110
businessmen, a number of economy  bureaucrats and some 50
This visit will be Ecevit's second to  the U.S. during his current
prime ministry. Ecevit will stay in Ritz Hotel  in Washington, DC,
and will be received by US President George W. Bush. He  is
also expected to meet with the chairpersons of both the IMF and
World  Bank. Please protest with phone calls and press statements.
Irish Republican Socialist Party
Press Release
 14 January 2002
Protest Visit to the U.S. by Turkish Prime Minister
The Irish Republican Socialist Committees of North America, on behalf
of the  International Department of the Irish Republican Socialist Party,
denounce  the visit to the United States of Turkish Prime Minister Bulent
As Ecevit begins his tour of the U.S., his hands will still be wet with
the  blood of scores of Turkish political prisoners who have died during
the past  six months on death fast or from police violence perpetrated
against them,  as well as that of the Kurdish people and their defenders
within the Kurdish  Workers' Party, better known as the PKK.
Ecevit will be accompanied by four government ministers, six deputies,
110  businessmen, a number of economy bureaucrats and some 50
journalists. While  here, U.S. President George W. Bush is expected
to facilitate meetings  between the Prime Minister and the chairmen of
both the IMF and World Bank,  thereby binding Turkey all the more
tightly to the imperialist financial  institutions which prey on the working
people of the developing world.
We call upon all American workers who support justice and oppose
the  terrorism of the Turkish regime against the Kurds, Armenians,
and other oppressed national minorities, as well as against Turkish
political  prisoners to protest the visit by the Turkish Prime Minister
and his  entourage. Let it be known that America working people will
not tolerate  fascists here.
Irish Republican Socialist Press Office
 4 Cavendish Row, Dublin 1, Ireland
 Tel/Fax No: 01 8735620
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web site:
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