
The documentary "The 'Good War' & Those Who Refused to Fight It" was
shown at the Oakland Museum Theater last Friday evening.  In the
audience were several WWII COs who were welcomed with thunderous
applause by the 600 people there.  The one-hour film will be aired
nationally for the first time on PBS Tuesday, January 15, at 10 P.M. 
(Channel 9 in the San Francisco Bay Area).  For more information, and
to confirm showtimes in your area, check


This is from U.S.A. Today, 
page 20, 1/1-13/02:

News & Views

The "good war"
wasn't their fight

  Mention the conscientious objectors of World War II to most
Americans, and the typical response is a blank stare.  WWII, after all,
has gone down in history as "the good war," the fight that unifed the
entire country in crushing evil.  In fact, 42,000 American C.O.s, as
conscientious objectors are known, refused to fight.  Their
little-known struggle - and the contribution of many to the later civil
rights movement and other social causes - is the subject of a
documentary, "The Good War and Those Who Refused to Fight It," airing
Tuesday on PBS (10 p.m. ET).

  Martin Luther King Jr. embodied the values so many C.O.s defined,
especially that fighting injustice does not always mean taking up arms
against others.  (King, who was only 12 when America entered the war,
wasn't a conscientious objector himself.)  "These guys proved that
pacifism can be active," says Rick Tejada-Flores, a Vietnam War C.O.
and co-creator of the documentary.  "King was an advocate of
non-violence.  The C.O.s showed how you put non-violence to work."

  World War II C.O.s Bill Sutherland and George Houser started the
Congress on Racial Equality in 1942.  Other C.O.s volunteered for
medical experiments replicating combat situations or filled war-related
job vacancies in mental hospitals, exposing horrific conditions and
spearheading much-needed reforms.

  "These guys did not stop World War II," Tejada-Flores says.  "But
they did contribute to changing American society in many positive ways.
 They were ahead of their time."
For more information on "'The Good War' and Those Who Refused to Fight
It" see

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