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Frenchman named Kosovo OSCE mission head

     BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, Jan. 11 (UPI) -- A French diplomat, Pascal Fieschi, will take up his appointment as head of the Kosovo mission for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Monday, OSCE sources in Pristina reported overthe weekend.
     Fieschi will replace Daan Everts who was OSCE head of mission in the Serbian province now administered by the United Nations from June 1999 until December last year.
     Fieschi previously served as French ambassador to Ukraine since 1997. Earlier, he held posts in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
     He will inherit an establishment which had 21 field offices and regional centers but is now undergoing restructuring to cover most municipalities. The task of the OSCE mission is to develop democratic institutions and promote participation by all local communities in the democratic government of Kosovo.
     OSCE sources said Fieschi joined the French diplomatic corps in 1969. His diplomatic career includes postings in the French embassies in Athens, Prague, St. Petersburg (then Leningrad), Canberra, and Moscow. He took part in the negotiations on the Helsinki Final Act in 1975, the founding document of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, which was transformed into the OSCE in 1994.
     Everts was the longest serving international official in Kosovo. He became mission head immediately after the end of NATO's 11-week conflict with Yugoslavia over Kosovo and the assumption of control of the province by an international peacekeeping force, known as KFOR. He was in charge of organizing the first democratic elections in Kosovo for a parliamentary assembly on Sept. 17 last year.

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