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.three charters for reunification
Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- The three charters for national
reunification set forth by President Kim Il Sung and formulated by leader
Kim Jong Il serve as an undying guideline that should be tackled by all the
Koreans for national reunification. Rodong Sinmun stresses this in a bylined
article today. 
The charters involve the three principles of national reunification, the
ten-point program of great national unity for the country's reunification
and the proposal for founding the DFRK.
The article says:
The three charters for national reunification and, their embodiment, the
June 15 north-south joint declaration provide a sure guarantee for the
accomplishment of the cause of the independent reunification of the nation.
The three principles of national reunification -- independence, peaceful
reunification and great national unity -- represent a cornerstone of
national reunification as they indicate the basic stand and ways of settling
the issue of national reunification by the Korean people themselves.
Those principles are the basic principles of national reunification that
make it possible to reunify the country by the Korean people themselves in
conformity with their will and interests.
The ten-point program of the great national unity for the reunification
of the country is a political program for achieving the unity of all the
Koreans and building up the driving force of national reunification. The
program gives a comprehensive exposition of the goal, ideological basis,
principle and way of great national unity.
The proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo shows
the general picture of a Unified State and a way of putting it into
practice. The proposal indicates a basic way of reunifying the country in
the most fair and smooth way under the conditions that the north and the
south tolerate the existence of their different ideas and systems.
The June 15 North-South Joint Declaration is a milestone for national
reunification. preservation and implementation of the declaration means
defending and realizing the three charters.
The concrete method of reunifying the country may alter according to a
change in situation. The basic principle and stand in the efforts to reunify
the country can never be changed.
All the Koreans in the north and south of Korea and abroad should wage a
nationwide struggle under the banner of the three charters for national
reunification and the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration so as to open a
decisive phase in the movement for the independent reunification of the
nation this year. 


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