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----- Original Message -----
From: Barry Stoller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 1:33 PM
Subject: US considers covert war with FARC

Washington Post. 15 January 2002. U.S. Eyes Shift in Colombia Policy.

The Bush administration is considering expanding U.S. assistance to
Colombia to give more aid to that country's counterinsurgency war
against leftist guerrillas, according to administration officials.

Proposals under high-level discussion include increased intelligence
sharing on guerrilla activities around the country and training of an
additional battalion of Colombian troops to serve as a rapid-reaction
force protecting vital infrastructure, including pipelines used by U.S.
oil companies [N.B.], against guerrilla attack.

The U.S. military has trained three such battalions in the past two
years, but they have been restricted to counternarcotics activities, as
has virtually all U.S. military assistance in Colombia. U.S.-provided
military equipment, including helicopters, is also limited under law to
counternarcotics use, although the Colombian government is pressing for
those restrictions to be lifted.

Officials stressed that none of the proposals include the possibility of
direct American combat involvement in Colombia. But expansion of U.S.
assistance and training beyond the fight against production and export
of illegal drugs would represent a quantum leap in a highly sensitive
area of U.S. policy.

High-level consideration of the proposals, one official said, is a
direct result of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States.
"Before then, there would have been no debate, or only a very limited
debate, about whether to even think about extending beyond
counternarcotics aid," the official said. "At least now, these are
debatable propositions."

The momentum begun with September's attacks moved into high gear last
weekend, after Colombian President Andres Pastrana unexpectedly
suspended three-year-old peace talks with the Revolutionary Armed Forces
of Colombia (FARC), the country's largest guerrilla group. Pastrana
ordered FARC troops to evacuate the Switzerland-sized zone he granted
the rebel group in 1998 to encourage negotiations.

His announcement sent Colombian army troops to mass near the zone in
preparations for reoccupying it and driving out the FARC if a deadline
set at 9:30 last night passed without substantive rebel concessions.

Right-wing paramilitary troops fighting their own war against the
guerrillas, in frequent alliance with the army, were also prepared to
move, and there were widespread fears of impending civilian massacres.
For its part, the FARC was expected to launch attacks throughout the

Pastrana's ultimatum sent senior U.S. officials into urgent weekend
discussions over what one called "authorizations and resources" -- what
the United States was equipped and allowed to do under law and
congressional restrictions in aiding the Colombian military.

Officials were in the middle of an interagency meeting on the subject
late yesterday afternoon when news arrived that the 9:30 p.m. deadline
had been suspended, at least temporarily, following last-ditch mediation
by a group of international diplomats working with the United Nations in

Whether peace talks get back on track or not, however, Colombia's
multi-front war will continue, and "it is fair to say we are looking for
other ways to help" the government prevail, said another administration
official, who, like all those contacted, declined to be identified.

The Pastrana government, which will leave office following elections
this summer, has argued with increasing urgency that the United States
must have a more comprehensive military program in Colombia.

When the Bush administration, which made few changes in the bipartisan
Colombia policy inherited from its predecessor, launched a policy review
several months ago, a number of officials, led by senior civilians in
the Defense Department, argued that the line drawn between
counternarcotics and counterinsurgency was an artificial one that
lessened the effectiveness of U.S. aid.

[N.B.] Under the proposals being discussed, that intelligence
cooperation would be reactivated and expanded to include information on
guerrilla activities outside the bounds of counterdrug actions.

A battalion of as many as 1,000 Colombian troops would be trained as a
rapid-reaction force to protect infrastructure, and consideration would
be given to providing additional equipment to the Colombian army for
that purpose.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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