Tuesday, January 15, 2002 9:34 PM

Chinese PLA Chief of General Staff Holds Talks with Pakistan Guests

Xinhuanet 2002-01-15 21:27:45

   BEIJING, January 15 (Xinhuanet) -- Fu Quanyou, Chief of the
General Staff of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China held
talks here Tuesday with General Muhammad Aziz Khan, chairman of
Joint Chiefs of the Staff Committee of Pakistan, who is paying a
visit here in China.
   Fu said the military ties between the two sides is an important
component of the Sino-Pakistani relations and also a key sector
for an all-weather cooperative partnership between the two
countries. The Sino-Pakistani ties will be strengthened under the
utmost care of the leaders of the two countries and the joint
efforts of the two peoples.
   Fu said that terrorism has posed a serious threat to the world'
s peace and stability, and all the people in the world are now
joining hands to combat terrorism. China has consistently stood
against terrorism in any form, and supports the United Nations to
play a leading role in the anti-terrorism campaign.
   He also stressed that no country is allowed to practice
hegemony in the name of anti-terrorism.
    Fu said that China hoped Pakistan and India would ease the
current tension, seek solution through dialogue, and maintain
regional peace and stability.
   Aziz said Pakistan and China have established an all-weather
friendship that has withstood the test of time. The two sides have
reached consensus on anti-terrorism issues, and the source of
terrorism should be found and eliminated.
   He said Pakistan will play an active role in combating
terrorism. He also hoped that China could contribute to the peace
and stability in central Asia.
   Aziz was here at the invitation of Fu.   Enditem
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