
AFP. 16 January 2002. Growing polemic over detainees in Cuba puts US in
embarrassing spot.

WASHINGTON -- Controversy over the conditions in which prisoners from
Afghanistan are being detained at a US base in Cuba, and their legal
status, is growing, putting the United States in an embarrassing spot.

Prominent human rights advocates are protesting not just the detainees'
conditions, but their lack of protection under the Geneva Convention,
which outlines conditions of treatment for prisoners of war.

Amnesty International has questioned "alleged ill-treatment of prisoners
in transit and in Guantanamo, including reports that they were hooded,
shackled, and sedated during transfer."

"Degrading treatment of prisoners is a flagrant violation of
international law which cannot be justified under any circumstances,"
the London-based group said.

In Geneva, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson said she
was very concerned about allegations over the treatment of the

"We are very concerned and are seeking to obtain more information," she
told journalists. "It is important at a time of difficulty that human
rights and international humanitarian standards be purely upheld and

New York-based Human Rights Watch has requested access to the prisoners,
and expressed concern over their ambiguous legal standing.

"They should be treated as POW (prisoners of war) until a proper
procedure, on an individual basis, can determine their status," James
Ross, a legal advisor for the group, told AFP.

He decried the housing provided at Guantanamo -- small cells with chain
link fencing for walls, concrete floors and wooden roofs.

"Housing conditions, in cages partly exposed to the elements, is
contrary to the Geneva Convention. There is no reason for that. They
should not have been sent (to Cuba) before the US could provide proper

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Tuesday he did not feel "even the
slightest concern" about their treatment.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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