
This is a very bad sign.  People in Yugoslavia will soon find out, as people
in Russia have, that American capitalism is not all it's cracked up to be!

Barry Stoller wrote:

> ---------------------------
> AFP. 17 January 2002. Yugoslavia adopts new foreign investment law.
> BELGRADE -- The Yugoslav parliament adopted on Thursday a foreign
> investment law aimed at attracting desperately needed funds to revive
> the economy.
> The law facilitates foreign companies' operations in Yugoslavia, giving
> them additional guarantees for their investments in the country.
> During the parliamentary debate, Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister Miroljub
> Labus said that Belgrade expected foreign investments to double this
> year, promising that the new law would be "more liberal" and was
> designed to "stimulate foreign investors," Tanjug news agency reported.
> Labus said that in 2001, since reformers took over from Milosevic, 1,319
> foreign companies with a total capital of 595 million German marks (304
> million euros, 268 million dollars) started operations in the country.
> The new law is a part of a package of economic reforms aimed at
> liberalisation of the economy.
> The parliament of Serbia, the dominant republic of Yugoslavia, has
> already adopted privatisation and labour law under a reform drive.
> Following the reformers rise to power in October 2000, the country's
> total foreign debt has reached 12 billion dollars.
> This amount represents almost 140 percent of the gross domestic product
> (GDP), a debt of more than 1,200 US dollars per citizen.
> Last November, the Paris Club of creditor nations decided to write off
> 66 percent of almost 4.5 billion dollars in Yugoslavia's debt.
> Belgrade's package of reforms has won support within the international
> community, and the first donors conference for Yugoslavia last June
> attracted 1.3 billion dollars, of which 62 percent was in the form of
> donations.
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Barry Stoller

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