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From: info <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 1:31 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Upside-down Flags Used in Protest

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Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 02:13:32 -0700 (MST)
Subject: [anti-bush-league] Upside-down Flags Used in Protest

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Upside-down flags used in protest
Political statement causes controversy in Titusville neighborhood
By Marilyn Meyer and Victor Thompson

TITUSVILLE -- Mari Anderson has been flying two large American flags
upside down at her home since the November 2000 presidential election.
Mari Anderson of Titusville stands in front of her home displaying
anti-George W. Bush signs and inverted U.S. flags. Image copyright ©
2002, Craig Rubadoux, FLORIDA TODAY.

Flying flags upside down is a traditional way of displaying the flag
when the nation is in distress.
Anderson said that the upside-down flags are a political statement of
her feelings after George W. Bush was declared the presidential winner
in Florida over Al Gore. The race was so close that different media
studies later have shown either man could have won depending upon how
and which disputed ballots were counted.
She also objects to the nation's war in Afghanistan and said she plans
to continue to protest Bush's tactics in the battle.
But not everyone is happy with Anderson using the flags as a way to
display her feelings.
Dan Guppenberger said he called the Titusville Police Department last
week to express his concern over the display.
"It really upset me because I'm a veteran," he said. "If anything, the
sign says the person has turned his back on the people who are fighting
for us over there, and that's not right."
Guppenberger, who served in the Army from 1972-74, said the police could
not do anything about the display, but felt it needed to be addressed.
Anderson said the confusion about what she is saying by flying the flags
upside down could be enhanced because she also has displayed prominently
in her yard a large hand-painted sign that says: "Grief is not a cry for
But there also are a half-dozen other signs in her yard and hanging on
her house with political statements about President Bush, his brother
Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and their administrations.
"The election was a crime," Anderson said. "I went up to Washington,
D.C., to protest, something I never thought in my life I would do. I was
so upset I had to do something."
Anderson said, "we have rights and freedom of speech is one of our
rights. I am exercising that but I am also worried that we are losing
our rights."
Anderson said she plans to continue flying the flags upside down until
after the 2004 presidential election.

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allegedly for "freedom and democracy", requires the suppression
of basic democratic rights at home." Patrick Martin
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