
Washington Post. 18 January 2002. Saudis May Seek U.S. Exit.

Saudi Arabia's rulers are increasingly uncomfortable with the U.S.
military presence in their country and may soon ask that it end,
according to several Saudi sources.

Such a decision would deprive the United States of regular use of the
Prince Sultan Air Base, from which American power has been projected
into the gulf region and beyond for more than a decade.

Senior Saudi rulers believe the United States has "overstayed its
welcome" and that other forms of less conspicuous military cooperation
should be devised once the United States has completed its war in
Afghanistan, according to a senior Saudi official. The United States has
been using a state-of-the-art facility on the Prince Sultan base that
was opened last summer as a key command-and-control center during the
Afghan conflict.

Saudis give several reasons for deciding that the Americans should
leave, beginning with their desire to appear self-reliant and not
dependent on U.S. military support.

The American presence has become a political liability in domestic
politics and in the Arab world, Saudi officials say. The Saudi
government has also become increasingly uncomfortable with a role in
U.S. efforts to contain Saddam Hussein, and earlier ruled out use of
Saudi territory as a base for bombing raids on Iraq.

The withdrawal of U.S. aircraft would end an American presence that
began during the Persian Gulf War and, administration officials warned,
would seriously undermine America's ability to protect Saudi Arabia or
Kuwait as well as carry out all future operations in Iraq.

Past and present U.S. officials said a Saudi decision to ask the
Americans to pull forces out of their country could also complicate the
Saudi-American relationship, which was put under great strain by the
events of Sept. 11, and appear to give the impression of rewarding Osama
bin Laden, who has vilified the royal family for hosting American
troops, about 5,000 at the present time.

Sen. Carl M. Levin (D-Mich.), chairman of the Armed Services Committee,
said this week that the United States should consider moving its forces
out of the kingdom. "We need a base in that region, but it seems to me
we should find a place that is more hospitable... I don't think they
want us to stay there."

Though it has long been considered an intimate ally of the United
States, Saudi Arabia is the only Persian Gulf nation with which the
United States has no formal defense cooperation agreement. "The Saudis
argue, 'We're such good friends, there's no reason to put anything in
writing,' " said a Defense Department official who has worked intimately
with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudis were nervous about the U.S. presence in their country from
the beginning. Saudi Arabia was never colonized by a foreign power, and
has long been sensitive about its independence. And the royal family has
a special obligation to the Muslim world as guardian of Islam's two most
holy places, Mecca and Medina.

Bin Laden has made expelling the Americans from Saudi Arabia an
overriding objective. "There is no more important duty than pushing the
American enemy out of the holy land [of Arabia]," he said in 1996.

U.S. officials say the two countries no longer share a common view on
security for the region now that Saudi Arabia has engineered a detente
with Iran, its traditional rival in the region, and does not consider
Iraq a major security threat.

Crown Prince Abdullah has taken the lead of the faction within the royal
family arguing that the kingdom would be safer without the U.S. military
presence, Saudi sources said.

One big problem for Abdullah, said several past and present officials,
is anti-American sentiment in Saudi society.

"For the first time since 1973, we actually have a situation in which
the United States is so unpopular among the [Saudi] public that the
royal family now thinks its security is best served by publicly
distancing itself from the United States," remarked Chas. W. Freeman Jr.
a former U.S. ambassador to Riyadh and frequent visitor to the kingdom.

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Barry Stoller

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