
   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   January 20th, 2002, 16:00 UTC

   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:
   A Year with Georg W. Bush

   In the beginning it was anything but a warm embrace. When George 
   W. Bush won the US elections, Europe had a "let's wait and see" 
   attitude. Since then the skepticism has disappeared and Europeans are

   extending their arms.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   address below:,3367,1434_A_412322_1_A,00.html

   Congo Faces Humanitarian Crisis

   The situation for thousands of people in the Democratic Republic of
   the Congo has turned desperate. Three days after the eruption of a
   volcano in Goma, there is now the threat that lava may have poisoned
   a principle supply of water in the area. But despite the latest
   fear, desperately thirsty and homeless people continued to drink and
   bath in the dirty water of Lake Kivu. Two of Goma's three water
   pumping stations were also rendered useless by the flood of lava.
   Relief workers were trying to organise for clean water supplies to
   be brought into the town. In the meantime, thousands of refugees
   began returning back to Goma to try to salvage homes amid the
   rubble. Aid agencies said they were trying to encourage refugees to
   go to designated sites outside of the city where care was more
   easily available. Eighty percent of Goma is said to have been
   destroyed by lava. At least 45 people have died so far due to the
   volcanic eruption.

   Germany Pledges Aid for Afghan Reconstruction

   Germany has said it would pledge 320 million euros over four years
   in aid to Afghanistan. Development Minister Heidemarie
   Wieczorek-Zeul said the aid would mainly go towards rebuilding
   schools, restoring the legal system and improving the status of
   women. Berlin had already said it would give 80 million euros in
   2002 for reconstruction projects in Afghanistan, where it has
   also contributed troops to the international peacekeeping force.
   Meanwhile, Afghanistan's interim leader, Hamid Karzai, has already
   begun to ask the world for help in getting his devastated country
   back on its feet. His appeal comes just one day before officials
   from more than 60 governments and international organisations plan
   to meet in Tokyo for a conference on Afghan reconstruction. Aid
   experts estimate that Afghanistan will need $15 billion for
   reconstruction over the next ten years.

   U.S. Helicopter Crashes in Rugged Afghan Mountains

   Two U.S. Marines were killed and five injured in Afghanistan on
   Sunday when their Superstallion helicopter crashed in rugged terrain
   north of the capital Kabul. A spokesman said the transport
   helicopter was on a mission to deliver supplies when it went down
   about 30 minutes after take-off from Bagram air base. U.S. Defense
   Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said there were indications that the cause
   of the crash was due to mechanical problems. Officials have
   launched an investigation.

   Exchanges of Gunfire in Middle East as Palestinians Rally for their

   Exchanges of gunfire between Israeli forces and the Palestinians
   continued in the West Bank today while thousands of Palestinians
   rallied together in support of President Yasser Arafat. In the West
   Bank city of Ramallah, Israeli forces exchanged fire with
   Palestinian gunmen near Arafat's offices. Three Palestinians were
   reportedly wounded, according to hospital sources. Meanwhile in
   Gaza, more than 3000 Palestinians marched in protest of Israel's
   confinement of their leader while in the West Bank town of Jenin, up
   to 3000 Palestinians called for unity in fighting Israeli
   occupation. The rallies and latest gunfights followed three days of
   violence in which a Palestinian gunman killed six Israelis at a
   party on Friday. In retaliation, Israel destroyed a Palestinian
   radio station over the weekend, saying that it incited violence.
   The latest tension between both sides has further shattered
   international efforts to halt nearly 16 months of bloodshed.

   Britain Demands U.S. Explanation behind Photographed Prisoners

   Britain has demanded an explanation from the United States about
   published photograghs showing Taliban and al Qaeda prisoners
   kneeling and tightly manacled at the U.S. base in Guantanamo Bay.
   British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said in a statement that the
   prisoners, regardless of their technical status, should be treated
   humanely and in accordance with customary international law. He has
   asked U.S. officials to explain the circumstances in which the
   pictures were taken. Human rights groups have already expressed
   concern over the prisoners' treatment at the prison camp. Britain
   said on Friday that a team of its officials had arrived in
   Guantanamo Bay to visit three of the al Qaeda detainees who claim
   they are Britons. Another team from the International Committee of
   the Red Cross is also at the U.S. base to inspect the prison and
   interview each detainee. Their findings will not be made public.

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