 ----- Original Message ----- 
 To: Mid-Hudson Recipient List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 6:45 PM
 Subject: Ramsey Clark keynotes Feb. 2 rally in NYC
Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark heads a list of speakers at a giant
rally in New York City  Saturday, Feb. 2, to oppose the annual meeting
of the World Economic Forum (WEF) taking place across the street in the
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. 
The WEF will bring together a thousand or so corporate, financial,
industrial and political leaders from the industrialized nations to
devise plans for increasing their power and profits around the globe --
plans that organizers of the protest charge invariably ignore the
interests of working people and the poor.
The rally, for which permits have been obtained, will take place at 11
a.m. at 50th St. and Park Ave.  It is organized by the Act Now to Stop
War and Racism coalition (ANSWER), the group which organized the major
antiwar demonstrations in Washington Sept. 29 and around the world Oct.
In addition to Clark, the founder of the International Action Center,
speakers include Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), the foremost member of
Congress to take a staunch stance against the Afghanistan war; Ron
Daniels, the director of the Center for Constitutional Rights; Rev.
Lucius Walker, the leader of IFCO/Pastors for Peace; Pam Africa, the
head of International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal;
Larry Adams, president of the National Postal Mail Handlers Local 300;
Larry Holmes, International Action Center; Nadia Ahmed, of Students for
International Peace and Justice; Asha Samad-Matias, of Muslims Against
Racism and War, among many others. A special taped message from Mumia
Abu-Jamal -- the African-American political prisoner -- will be played
during the rally.
A contingent of Mid-Hudson activists will join the thousands attending
the rally.  They will arrive in a chartered bus from Kingston and New
Paltz, leaving between 8-8:30 in the morning. They will depart for home
around 4 p.m.  Information about reserving a seat may be obtained from
the Mid-Hudson National People's Campaign at (845) 255-5779 or
[EMAIL PROTECTED].  The round-trip costs $20. Checks should be made
out to the Mid-Hudson NPC  and mailed to MHNPC, P.O. Box 523, Highland,
NY 12528.   Other out-of-town buses will arrive from the Northeast and
Middle-Atlantic states, including several from upstate New York.  The
buses will bring passengers to within a block of the rally.
The WEF has met for decades at the Swiss resort town of Davos -- but
anti-globalization protesters created such a disruption last year that
the annual conference was changed to New York City.  Many such
anti-globalization protests have taken place since the first one in
Seattle over two years ago, but this will be the first major action of
its kind in New York.  According to a statement from the Mid-Hudson NPC,
"Now it is New York's turn to say Not Welcome to these corporate tycoons
and political bigwigs."
There will be protest activities throughout the World Economic Forum
meeting, which is scheduled from Jan. 31-Feb. 4, but Saturday, Feb. 2,
is the date agreed upon by scores of organizations to launch protest
events.  In addition to the ANSWER rally, the Another World is Possible
coalition will begin a march from 59th St. and Fifth Ave. at 1 p.m.  
Others plan to engage in civil disobedience in various locations.
The political slogans of the ANSWER rally include No to
Corporate-Centered Globalization! No to War in Afghanistan and the
Middle East! No  to Unemployment, Poverty and Mass Layoffs! Yes to Jobs,
Education, Healthcare and Civil Liberties
The ANSWER coalition was formed immediately after the Bush
administration launched its "war on terrorism," and within two weeks
organized a march and rally in Washington that drew some 20,000
participants.  The coalition steering committee consists of the
Nicaragua Network; Mexico Solidarity Network; IFCO/Pastors for Peace;
International Action Center; Partnership for Civil Justice; Kensington
Welfare Rights Union; Middle East Children's Alliance; Elias Rashmawi;
Korea Truth Commission.  
Additional endorsers of the ANSWER rally include Green Party USA; School
of the Americas Watch; Black Voices for Peace; Rev. Graylan Hagler,
senior minister, Plymouth Congregational Church; American Muslims for
Global Peace and Justice; Bishop Thomas Gumbelton, Auxiliary Bishop,
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit; San Francisco Labor Council
(AFL-CIO); Rev. Curtis Gatewood, Durham, N.C.; Students for
International Peace and Justice; Edward Asner, the actor; NYU Peace
Coalition; Committee for a New Colombia; Network in Solidarity with the
People of the Philippines; Filipino Workers Center, N.Y.;  Millions for
Mumia; Peace for Cuba; Muslim Student Association, U of Toledo; Bay Area
Iranians for Peace and Social Justice; Ben Dupuy, former
ambassador-at-large, Haiti; Ray LaForest, District Council 1707 AFSCME;
Queers For Racial & Economic Justice; NYU Peace Coalition; U.S.A./Cuba
InfoMed; I.L.W.U. Local 400, Vancouver B.C.; Western Mass. Mobilization
for Mumia; Caribbean and Latin America Support Project (CLASP);
Mid-Hudson National People's Campaign, and many more.
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