
One of the strangest thing of all was that when I told the FreeRepublic
people that I opposed US aid to Israel, one of them said "Oh, now I see what
your hidden agenda is!"

Excuse me?  "Hidden" agenda?  So, apparently, this is a way to demonize
people critical of Israel, by caliming that we have a "hidden" agenda, even
though everything
about our viewpoints has always been very honest and straight forward.

peacefully yours,
Nancy Hey

Nancy Hey wrote:

> ---------------------------
> On Sunday, 1/20, we had a very spirited demonstration in
> Washington, DC, to protest the Bush Administration's war in Afghanistan,
> and threatened attacks against other nations, like Iraq, in the
> "war against terrorism".  We connected the civil rights issue with
> opposition to war, in the spirit of Martin Luther King, who in
> addition to being a powerful civil rights leader was also active
> in opposing war, as he opposed American involvement in Vietnam, and
> clearly saw how American war abroad hurt civil rights at home.
> We gathered at the Reflecting Pool at the Linclon Memorial at 1:00 pm,
> heard people speak about the situations in Afghanistan and Iraq, and
> Martin Luther King's legacy.  Then we marched to the White House,
> where several people were arrested doing civil disobedience by blocking
> the sidewalk in front of the White House.
> Our march was covered on the network news, but the
> report I saw only said there were 60 of us there, and
> the event organizers estimated at least twice that number, about 120.
> The news report also failed to mention that we held this march
> at this time also to call attention to Martin Luther King's
> anti-war legacy, so that was all part of their attempt
> to disconnect King with the radical changes that he worked for.
> They then went on to report several other stories of people who
> observed King's birthday in other ways, like building houses with
> Habitat for Humanity, but all these failed to connect King
> to his legacy of opposing war and violence. (King's birthday is also
> sadly the anniversary of the Persian Gulf War, which Pres. Bush's
> father started back in 1991).
> Everything went smoothly in the march, except for the fact that
> it was counter-demonstrated by a group of people from the
> who equated opposition to the war to treason, and support of terrorists.
> I talked to these people briefly, but I found them to have very closed
> minds,
> they just echoed the same propaganda heard in the media about how the
> United
> States has to be the Policeman of the World, in the name of "protecting
> freedom".
> They were unable to justify their double standard with
> regard to their failure to criticize Israeli terrorism.  They gave a
> very weak
> argument about how Israel had some God-given right to occupy that land
> because of some passages in the Bible.
> The website is run by a very hypocritical bunch of
> people,
> because they advertize themselves as a free forum for the
> exchange of ideas, yet they just echo the same pro-Zionist line heard in
> the
> very mainstream media that they criticize for being biased, and they
> kicked
> me off their website when they didn't like the anti-Zionist viewpoints
> that
> I was posting there.
> ---------------------------


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