I'm not sure what they're complaining about. Bosnia is a rump state,
created by, and dependent upon NATO. As such, it's subject to the
political whims of NATO and the United States.
When the use of Islamic terrorists suited the U.S imperialism, Bosnia
was a convenient and useful base for these activities. Now that *some*
of these terrorists have turned on their U.S and NATO masters, the
Bosnians seem surprised at the U.S and NATO have no respect for
Bosnian "sovereignty"!! Ha!!
"When you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas"
---- Original Message -----
From: Barry Stoller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 1:44 PM
Subject: US accused of undermining Bosnians
AP. 26 January 2002. U.S. Accused of Undermining Bosnians.
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina -- The United States, by pressuring Bosnian
 officials to turn over six terrorism suspects, has damaged the very
 legal system it is trying to build in postwar Bosnia, relatives and
 rights activists complain.
Bosnia's highest court and the country's top human rights panel both
 ordered the release of the men, saying the government lacked evidence
 that they were plotting post-Sept. 11 attacks on U.S. facilities in
But when the rulings came down on Jan. 17, Nadja Dizdarevic, the wife of
 detainee Boudella Hadz, sensed something was wrong.
She and the other wives suspected that their husbands, who worked for
 Arab charity groups in Bosnia, were about to be handed over to U.S.
 authorities despite the court order. By nightfall, cellphones around
 Sarajevo were beeping with text messages:
"In the name of Allah the Merciful, brothers and sisters, come to the
 jail tonight and support our sisters. Let others know!"
Although 300 supporters responded and scuffled with police in a
 night-long standoff, they couldn't stop the handover.
[N.B.] That Bosnians are embittered is clear: Saturday's edition of the
 magazine Dani carried a caricature on its cover of Uncle Sam urinating
on Bosnia's constitution and the European Human Rights convention.
"Horrible injury has been inflicted on the rule of law in Bosnia by the
 United States," said Mark Wheeler of the International Crisis Group, an
 independent organization that monitors the Balkans.
"The U.S. effectively claims that it has jurisdiction over everything,
 everybody, everywhere in the world and does not care what anybody says,"
 he said. "The United States has no jurisdiction over these men."
U.S. Ambassador Clifford Bond said the men's October arrests and their
 handover were not the result of pressure "but of cooperation" between
 U.S. and Bosnian authorities.
But Kresimir Zubak, a Bosnian minister for human rights and refugees,
 conceded: "The Americans didn't tell us what to do, but they hinted that
 further cooperation between the U.S. and us depended on our decision."
After millions of dollars and six years spent on nation-building efforts
 in Bosnia, critics are questioning why the United States chose to ignore
 the Bosnian Supreme Court and Chamber for Human Rights.
"This was a clash between the authorities and the law," said Fahrija
 Karkin, the lawyer for the six suspects. "The bottom line is that the
 police refused to carry out the decision of the court."
Belkacem's wife, Anela, who introduces herself sarcastically as "the
 wife of the one they call the al-Qaida chief for Europe," said: "They
 have no proof against him."
Dizdarevic said her last glimpse of her husband was just before special
 police shoved him into a car and sped away.
She said she and the other wives will file a complaint with the European
 Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
"I will not stop until I put the ones responsible for this behind bars,"
 Dizdarevic said.
She accused the Bosnian government of "bending over backwards to appease
 the West."
Wheeler, of the International Crisis Group, noted that the Chamber for
 Human Rights -- established by the 1995 Dayton peace accords that ended
 Bosnia's war -- is made up of local and international judges, and its
 rulings cannot be appealed.
The United States "has shown that it has no faith in Bosnian courts and
 has no respect for the Human Rights Chamber, which was largely a U.S.
 creation," Wheeler said.
The head of the U.N. human rights office in Sarajevo, Madeleine Rees,
 has called for an investigation.
"The international community is now at risk of being charged with
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Barry Stoller
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