----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 7:48 AM
Subject: [WW] Stop racist profiling

 Via Workers World News Service
 Reprinted from the Jan. 31, 2002
 issue of Workers World newspaper
New Jersey
By Monica Moorehead
Jersey City and Kearny, N.J.
"No justice, no peace" and "Stop racist profiling" were two 
of the main slogans chanted by some 100 activists at a 
protest here Jan. 21 against the illegal and secret 
detention of hundreds of people--most of whose names the 
government still refuses to release--after the 9/11 attacks. 
The demonstration was held on the official holiday 
recognizing the birthday of slain civil rights leader Dr. 
Martin Luther King Jr.
Activists marched from the Jersey City side of the 
Hackensack River to the Hudson County Correctional
Center in  Kearny. Hundreds of mostly Arab and Islamic
people who were  rounded up are being held at this prison
for "questioning."  As marchers crossed the bridge, a
number of truck drivers  and others honked their horns
in support.
The demonstration was called by a coalition of peace and 
civil liberty groups. Part of the joint statement announcing 
the demonstration read, "The Hudson County Correctional 
Center is one of the nation's largest holding facilities for 
Muslim, Arab, South and Central Asian and Middle-Eastern 
immigrants. Many of the people being held have had no 
charges brought against them, have had no access to a
lawyer  and have had no communication with their families."
As the march neared the prison, the multinational group of 
Arab, African American, Latino and white demonstrators
could  be seen by some of the prisoners. The prisoners
began to  wave their arms and hands at the activists across
the  street, and the protesters waved back in a moving
gesture of solidarity.
Since the Sept. 11 attacks, Congress has passed Atty.
Gen.  John Ashcroft's racist, reactionary and
anti-immigrant U.S. Patriot Act. The Bush administration
has used this new law  to deny immigrants in the U.S.,
those with and without  citizenship, their civil liberties and
civil rights. Anyone or any group that the U.S. government
suspects of being a  "terrorist" can be wiretapped without
their knowledge,  detained, deported if they are immigrants,
and have their  assets frozen.
Before the march began, a short rally took place near
the  Jersey City side of the bridge. Speakers included
Yunus  Abdur-Rahim Ali, an African American
spokesperson for the   Masjid Muhammad Jersey City
mosque; Madalyne Hoffman, New  Jersey Peace Action;
Joe Ahamanti, Veterans For Peace; Sara  Flounders,
International Action Center; and Mohammad  Qotononi,
Islamic Center in Passaic.
This demonstration was one of two held in New Jersey
that  day on the issue of detainees. The other action took
place  at Passaic County Jail in Paterson, a city with a 
predominantly African American and immigrant population. 
Sponsoring groups included the South Asian group Desis 
Rising Up and Moving, the Coalition for the Human Rights
of  Immigrants and the Prison Moratorium Project.

Demands of the Paterson demonstration included: release
all  detainees held for immigration violations; repeal the 
Patriot Act, the illegal 1996 Immigration Reform and 
Immigrant Responsibility Act and the 1996 Anti-Terrorism
and  Effective Death Penalty Act; release a real list of 
detainees, and provide detainees with immediate, full and 
proper access to legal information and representation.
- END -
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