
China Tells Iraq Opposed to Widening War
on Terror

Monday January 28  4:28 AM ET

BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen told
Iraqi counterpart Tareq Aziz on Monday China does not support
the expansion of military action in the war on terrorism, the
official Xinhua news agency reported.

  Qian's comment marked an apparent shift from previous
Chinese statements which said Beijing was opposed to the
''wanton'' expansion of military action in the war on terrorism.

  ``China does not support the expansion of anti-terror
military action,'' Xinhua quoted Qian as saying. ``At the same
time it hopes that Iraq will cooperate with the U.N. to avoid
new and complicated situations which might emerge.''

  President Bush has told Iraqi President Saddam Hussein he
would face the consequences if U.N. inspectors were not allowed
to return to Baghdad, triggering speculation Washington could
target Iraq in its war on terrorism following the September 11
attacks on New York and Washington.

  The United States has threatened to use force against Iraq
if it refuses to allow the return of United Nations arms
inspectors who left Iraq in 1998 complaining they were being
prevented from performing their duties.

  The dispatch of inspectors, intended to determine whether
Baghdad held chemical and biological weapons, was part of U.N.
actions against Iraq undertaken after the 1991 Gulf War.

  The action, authorized by U.N. Security Council resolution
681, also included economic sanctions against Iraq.


  Aziz, who arrived in China on Sunday after a trip to Russia
where he sought support in Iraq's confrontation with the United
States, called on China for help in resolving Iraq's problems.

  Aziz said he hoped China would ``play a more active role in
settling the Iraqi issue in a just and rational way,'' Xinhua

  Xinhua gave no further details of Aziz's trip. China's
Foreign Ministry and the Iraqi embassy declined to give details
of his schedule.

  Russia's Itar-Tass news agency quoted Aziz as saying he
would go back to Moscow for more talks on his way back from

  Tass linked Aziz's trip to fresh Russian-U.S. consultations
on sanctions beginning on February 6 in Geneva, where they will
try to agree to a list of goods allowed into Iraq without U.N.

  The United States wants ``smart sanctions'' which would cut
the list of goods requiring U.N. approval before reaching Iraq
while tightening controls over imports deemed usable for
military purposes.

  Following talks with Aziz on Thursday, Russian Foreign
Minister Igor Ivanov said Moscow was opposed to any U.S.
military operation against Iraq and it wanted sanctions against
Baghdad to be lifted.

  Qian said China ``sympathized deeply with the Iraqi
suffering caused by the long standing sanctions,'' Xinhua said.

  But he also said resolutions of the U.N. Security Council
-- of which both China and Russia are members -- should be the
basis for solving the issue.
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