
The Frontier Post (Pakistan)
March 11, 2002


Nuke 'em!

-The world is a much more dangerous place as a result
of the US ascending to the position of sole
It will require the will and united efforts of the
rest of humanity to put a brake on its descent into
unacceptable threatened mayhem globally. 

A report in the Los Angeles Times reveals that the
Bush administration, in a secret policy review
completed early this year, has ordered the Pentagon to
draft contingency plans for the use of nuclear weapons
against at least seven countries. 

The countries in question include not only old cold
war enemies such as Russia, China and North Korea, but
also Iraq, Iran, Libya and Syria. 

The Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) as the secret
document is called, was delivered to Congress on
January 8. 

The report details three scenarios in which nuclear
weapons could be used: against targets able to
withstand non-nuclear attack; in retaliation for an
attack with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons;
or in the event of "surprising military developments",
a formulation that the NPR fails to explain.The NPR
also asks the Pentagon to prepare for the possibility
that nuclear weapons may be required in some future
Arab-Israeli crisis. 

It includes calls for developing bunker-busting
mini-nukes and nuclear weapons that reduce collateral

The document reveals evolving thinking in the Defence

While downgrading the threat from Russia and publicly
emphasizing a commitment to the reduction of the
number of long-range nuclear weapons, Defence
Department strategists seek to promote tactical and
so-called "adaptive" nuclear capabilities to deal with
contingencies where large nuclear arsenals are not

The call for developing new nuclear weapons that
reduce 'collateral damage' is the most myopic of all,
ignoring as it does the uncontrollable fallout of
these weapons of mass slaughter, and their political,
moral and military implications. 

The scenarios the Pentagon planners are asked to
envisage are in the nature of what the PR calls
"immediate, potential or unexpected" contingencies. 

North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Libya are named as
countries that could be involved in all three kinds of

According to the NPR's view, all these countries have
long-standing hostility towards the US and its
security partners, all sponsor or harbour terrorists,
and have active weapons of mass destruction and
missile programmes. 

China, because of its nuclear forces and developing
strategic objectives, is listed as a country that
could be involved in the immediate or potential
contingency, for example a war between China and

A North Korean attack on South Korea or an Iraqi
attack on Israel or any of its neighbours are other
scenarios for which the NPR requires making nuclear
weapons a tool for fighting a war, rather than
deterring one. 

The strategic thinking contained in the NPR dispenses
with the long-standing doctrine that saw nuclear
weapons more as a deterrent, or at worst as weapons of
last resort. 

It will not be lost on the countries named as
potential targets or for that matter the world at
large that the NPR represents a doctrinal escalation
in the development, deployment and use of nuclear

Nor is memory so short that the US's use of atomic
weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World
War II can be forgotten. 

The US enjoys the dubious honour of being the only
country to have actually used nuclear weapons in a

It does not therefore surprise one to learn from the
recently released Nixon archives that the former US
President contemplated using nuclear weapons in the
Vietnam war. 

Aggressive militarism, including a Dr Strangelove kind
of dementia, characterizes the US posture in modern

Given the impermissibility by any canons of war,
peace, morality or humanity of the use of nuclear
weapons, it is alarming in the extreme that the
arrogance of Washington since the comparatively easy
victory over the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan
has so emboldened the hawks in the American
establishment that they have thrown all restraint and
caution to the winds and are talking about this kind
of insanity. 

The world is a much more dangerous place as a result
of the US ascending to the position of sole

It will require the will and united efforts of the
rest of humanity to put a brake on its descent into
unacceptable threatened mayhem globally. 

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