
Korean Cental News Agency


Bush's remarks on "axis of evil" denounced worldwide
     Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- Bush is under fire by the world public
for listing the DPRK, Iran and Iraq as the "axis of evil." The Cuban
government in a statement on February 15 said that the world public can not
tolerate the U.S. government's groundless accusations against the DPRK, Iraq
and Iran, adding that it is the method employed by the present U.S.
administration to pose a military threat to other countries and this threat
would spark a serious clash.
    Russian foreign minister Igor Ivanov in an interview with the French
newspaper Figaro on Feb. 15 described the listing of the DPRK, Iran and Iraq
as the "axis of evil" as a "label used during the Cold War."
    Spanish prime minister Aznar in a press interview expressed his position
to keep aloof from Bush's conception that the DPRK, Iran and Iraq are the
"axis of evil." 
    The German foreign minister claimed that "an ally is not a satellite
country" while the French foreign minister held that an international
alliance against terrorism can never be a basis for taking any action
against other countries.
    On Feb. 17 the Finnish and Turkish foreign ministers opposed the U.S.
doctrine about the "axis of evil" and its plan to strike Iraq.
    The February 9 issue of the British newspaper financial times urged the
U.S. to lend an ear to its friends' criticism of Bush's remarks singling out
the DPRK,.Iran and Iraq as the "axis of evil."
    The March 1 issue of the Cambodian newspaper Ryasmay Cambodia in a
report on Bush's remarks about the "axis of evil" commented that they were
aimed to implement the strategy of the U.S. to get out of its impasse.
    The Voice of Russia said that the world does not agree with the U.S.
President's remarks about "the axis of evil".


DPRK-U.S. peace agreement urged in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- The reunification solidarity for
implementation of the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration and peace on the
Korean Peninsula reportedly called for conclusion of a DPRK-U.S. peace
agreement and implementation of the June 15 joint declaration. The
organization in a commentary on March 7 said that the U.S. is planning to
stage joint military exercises akin to an actual war under the pretext of
strengthening "cooperation" between South Korea and the U.S., while reducing
the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework signed in 1994 to a mere scrap of paper and
dubbing the north a member of the "axis of evil".
    If the U.S. has real will for peace on the Korean Peninsula, it should
give up its policy of escalating tensions in the peninsula and conclude a
peace agreement with the north, said the organization.
    Pointing out that peace on the Korean Peninsula and national
reconciliation and reunification are a task, it demanded that the north and
the U.S. sign a peace agreement and the south and the north implement the
June 15 joint declaration.


U.S. dubbed "empire of evil"
     Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- The South Korean newspaper Hangyore
dubbed the U.S. an "empire of evil." In an article titled "an empire of
evil" the paper said that the use of the terms "imperialism" and "U.S.
imperialism" has so far been banned in South Korea, but it is time to
properly dub the U.S. the U.S. is an "empire of evil" as it listed the
sovereign states as members of the "axis of evil" and is seeking a new war,
the article added. 
    Recalling that president Ri Hoe Chang of the "Grand National Party" and
Chosun Ilbo openly committed pro-U.S. sycophancy, at a time when the nation
is required to check Bush's play with fire, the paper branded those
conservative forces who seek only their interests, utterly indifferent to
the country and the nation, as a group of traitors to the nation.


S. Korean unionists' unabated actions
    Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- At least 5,000 unionists under the South
Korean Confederation of Trade Unions held a meeting of solidarity with the
struggle against the sale of power stations in Seoul on March 10, according
to Seoul-based radio reports at the meeting, they contended that the sale of
power stations to the U.S. or big businesses is fraught with the great
danger of creating confusion in electricity supply, demanding an "immediate
withdrawal of the plan to sell power stations which failed to get the
people's approval." They threatened to call the second general strike of
solidarity with the unionists of the power industry on strike.
    Meanwhile, at least 3,000 unionists of the power industry staged
meetings against the privatization in four areas including Seoul and Inchon.
The unionists who have been on strike in different parts of South Korea
since February 26 vowed to push through their demands.
    On the same day unionists of the power industry staged a sit-in strike
in protest against the police authorities' illegal arrest of strikers.


Anti-U.S. and anti-Bush struggle called for
    Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- Pak Kwang Gi, chief of the Pyongyang
mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea, was interviewed by
KCNA yesterday as regards the anti-U.S. and anti-Bush struggle that mounted
in South Korea with Bush's visit to it as a momentum. He said:
    People from all walks of life in South Korea staged a fierce struggle
under the slogan "we are strongly opposed to Bush's South Korean visit".
Their struggle was an unprecedented sacred struggle against the U.S.
    What merits attention is that the struggle was not a mere anti-U.S.
struggle. The struggle developed to be a movement for achieving national
unity and cooperation under the banner of national independence, the basic
spirit of the June 15 joint declaration, and turned into a struggle
participated in by broad masses of people.
    Through their recent actions people in South Korea bitterly condemned
the crimes of the U.S. and Bush. This signified the total bankruptcy of the
anti-peace and anti-reunification policy of the U.S. keen to launch a war of
aggression on the Korean Peninsula and perpetuate its division prompted by
its arrogant, self-righteous and greedy nature. This, at the same time,
fully demonstrated the firm will of the people from all walks of life to
preserve the declaration and implement it to the letter and thus build a new
independent society and bring the day of reunification without fail.
    The U.S. is well advised to stop hamstringing the implementation of the
declaration, pull its aggression forces out of South Korea and terminate its
colonial domination over it.


Bush's outbursts under fire abroad
    Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- Political party leaders in different
countries denounced the U.S. President's reckless remarks describing the
DPRK as a member of the "axis of evil". Manuel Fernandes Flores, General
Secretary of the central committee of the Socialist People's Party of
Mexico, said that they heard a declaration of a war against Korea made by
Bush, "kingpin" of international terrorism, in a bid to seek world
domination and that they would fight against the new aggression moves of the
imperialists together with the Korean people.
    Miroslav Grevenicek, chairman of the central committee of the Communist
Party of Bohemia and Moravia, said that the U.S. description of the DPRK as
part of the "axis of evil" is one of attempts to remove those countries
obstructive in achieving its ambition for hegemony Hannu Harju, chairman for
peace and socialism-the Communist Workers' Party of Finland, said that the
U.S. is seeking to interfere in the internal affairs of an independent state
under a groundless pretext and it is a blatant insult to a peaceful state
that the u.s. administration and president Bush designated the DPRK as a
"rogue state" and a "terrorism-supporting country".
    Anders Karlsson, chairman of the central committee of the Communist
Party of Marxist-Leninists (R) in Sweden, said that as long as the U.S.
imperialists pursue its strong-arm policy, there can be no true peace. The
U.S. threat to the DPRK is aimed to stamp out socialism and the cause of
independence, he said.
    Genaro Ledesma Izquieta, chairman of the people's front of workers,
peasants and students of Peru, said that the U.S. imperialists are
displeased with the heroic Korean people holding up the banner of socialism
which is shining, opening the eyes of the oppressed people. But the U.S.
imperialists can not realize their purpose in face of the military power of
the DPRK, the chairman stressed.
    Bush's outbursts were also condemned by Marcos Domich, first secretary
of the central committee of Bolivia, and Gladys Marin Milie, General
Secretary of the central committee of the Communist Party of Chile.

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