Another example of "Human Rights" in America???
The "right" to be homeless and of course the "right"
to be *forced to "vollunteer" (ie do forced unpaid labour)
in order to recieve a meager and less than subsistance
welfare allowance??  In his day, Charles Dickens wrote
sarcasticly in condemnation of 19 century capitalism "Are
there no prisons,  are there no workhouses?" In Bush's 21
century America it's now called "workfare"! What progress!!!  

Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 20:45:06 -0500
From: Barry Stoller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Bush to homeless families: Work for free

AP. 12 March 2002.

Bush Visits Homeless Shelter to Encourage Americans
to Perform Volunteer Work.

PHILADELPHIA -- President Bush joined homeless toddlers in singing
Bitsy Spider" on Tuesday before offering a bit of incentive to
volunteers: a diary in which to log the hours and rewards of community

"I can't think of anything more interesting than a mom or dad
volunteering, recording his or her thoughts, giving it to a child, who
gives it to a grandchild," said Bush.

At the People's Emergency Center, a shelter for homeless women, teens
and children, teacher Khalil Shearlds invited the president to join a
dozen volunteers, parents and small children in singing "Itsy Bitsy

Bush did, complete with hand gestures illustrating a wee spider's climb
up the water spout.

"One of my favorites," Bush said, grinning. "The only one I remember."

On stage at the nearby Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts, the White
House had assembled seven local volunteers for an informal discussion
with the president about the value of service - especially at a time
when America is at war with terrorists.

"Sacrifice is beginning to become apparent to many who never thought
they would have to sacrifice. There is a new culture evolving in the
country," Bush said. "... And that is that there's something greater
than yourself in life, and it's worth serving."

Elaine Lander described her Peace Corps service in Nepal and said she
now serves the mentally ill as a nurse practitioner while volunteering
weekends with the Red Cross.

Bush called her "the Energizer Bunny when it comes to helping people."

In his Jan. 29 State of the Union Address, the president challenged
every American to give 4,000 hours of volunteer time in places like the
shelter he visited here.

The USA Freedom Corps, which he created to organize the hoped-for
of new volunteers, began offering on Tuesday a "Record of Service" in
which people can keep track of their donated hours, either through a
password-protected online account or in a printed notebook.

Each page of the spiral-bound journal, available for a nominal fee by
calling 1-877-USA-CORPS, features an inspirational messages from the
likes of Cicero, Shakespeare and Bill Clinton.

"This is a good opportunity to bring a little discipline into your
volunteer service," Bush said. "When I look at this - I envisioned an
interesting diary that can be passed from one generation to the next."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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