
Oh, oh, Kofi Annan is really going out on a limb here.
He condemns suicide bombers and a US-backed and -armed
nation, Israel, a UN member, equally.
The thought that as Secretary General of the United
Nations he might raise the issue of Israel
implementing UN Resolutions 235 and 242 some thirty
five years after they were passed evidently doesn't
occur to him.
That's not what he's paid for.
I'm sure Ariel Sharon and his friends in Washington,
London and Berlin are positively shaking in their
boots with this 'bold pronouncement' from Uncle Kofi.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ---------------------------
> but not 'too harsh' to offend his puppeteer(s), of
> course. 
> Annan's brave stance, according the 'BBC':  Mr Annan
> condemned 
> Palestinian suicide attacks as "morally repugnant"
> and said he was 
> "profoundly disturbed" by Israel's use of heavy
> weaponry in civilian 
> areas. 
> Israel has tightened its grip on Ramallah
> The United Nations has for the first time passed a
> resolution calling 
> for a Palestinian state alongside Israel. 
> The US-drafted document "affirming a vision" of a
> Palestinian state was 
> backed by 14 out of 15 members of the Security
> Council. 
> It's an advance for the resistance of the
> Palestinian people 
> Ahmed Abdel Rahman, Palestinian Authority  
> The Palestinians praised the move, while Israel said
> it welcomed a 
> "balanced" resolution. 
> It came as at least five Palestinians were reported
> to have died in 
> fighting in Ramallah before dawn on Wednesday, as
> Israel tightened its 
> grip on the West Bank city. 
> The UN resolution demanded "immediate cessation of
> all acts of violence, 
> including terror, provocation, incitement and
> destruction" and urged 
> Israel and the Palestinians to take steps towards
> resuming peace talks. 
> It was the first resolution on the conflict the
> United States, Israel's 
> staunchest ally, had introduced since fighting
> erupted in September 
> 2000. 
> Two states 
> The UN said it was "affirming a vision of a region
> where two states, 
> Israel and Palestine, live side by side within
> secure and recognised 
> borders". 
> [A balanced resolution] is quite a novelty for
> Israel in the Security 
> Council 
> Yehuda Lancry, Israeli UN ambassador  
> The Secretary General of the Palestinian Authority,
> Ahmed Abdel Rahman, 
> said the resolution marked "an advance for the
> resistance of the 
> Palestinian people". 
> Israel's UN Ambassador Yehuda Lancry said he
> welcomed a "balanced" 
> Security Council resolution on the Middle East,
> which he called "a rare 
> and remarkable" occurrence. 
> Earlier, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan delivered
> his toughest 
> statement yet on the violence. 
> Mr Annan condemned Palestinian suicide attacks as
> "morally repugnant" 
> and said he was "profoundly disturbed" by Israel's
> use of heavy weaponry 
> in civilian areas. 
> Offensive continues 
> A day after launching its biggest offensive in 20
> years, Israeli tanks 
> and troops remained in the Palestinians' main West
> Bank city of Ramallah 
> on Wednesday. 
> Palestinian security sources said five Palestinians
> were killed in 
> fighting with Israeli troops in the city's al-Manara
> district, near 
> Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's headquarters. 
> Israel says it has captured dozens of militants
> The deputy commander of Mr Arafat's Force-17
> bodyguard, Abu Fadih, was 
> among those who died, the Palestinians said. 
> The Israeli army has said it has captured dozens of
> hardcore militants, 
> confiscated weapons and located several bomb-making
> factories in 
> Ramallah and elsewhere. 
> On Tuesday, at least 30 Palestinians and seven
> Israelis were killed in 
> some of the worst bloodshed on a single day since
> the conflict began. 
> Palestinian officials had accused Israel of starting
> to reoccupy the 
> West Bank and Gaza Strip to thwart US envoy Anthony
> Zinni's mission to 
> the region, which begins on Thursday. 
> ---------------------------

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