
   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   March 13th, 2001, 16:00 UTC

   German Forces in the Crossfire 

   Sweeping reforms are necessary to prepare outdated German forces
   for a modern combat role. Stretched to the limit and ill-equipped, 
   missions and lives are at the mercy of in-fighting politicians.,3367,1432_A_472687_1_A,00.html

   Middle East - UN Resolution, Journalist shot and killed

   Israel and the Palestinians were in rare agreement on Wednesday in
   welcoming the first U.S.-drafted U.N. Security Council resolution to
   refer to a Palestinian state existing alongside the Jewish state. The
   resolution also demanded an "immediate cessation of all acts of
   violence, including all forms of terror, provocation, incitement and
   destruction" and called on Israelis and Palestinians to work together
   towards a ceasefire with an eye to resuming peace negotiations. US
   envoy Anthony Zinni will travel to the Middle East on Thursday with
   the hope of putting an end to the violence. However, the Palestinian
   Authority has said a truce would be impossible as long as Israeli
   tanks and soldiers are in Ramallah and other Palestinian areas. On
   Wednesday, an Italian photographer and an officer in Palestinian
   President Yassar Arafat's Force 17 were killed. The Italian was shot
   six times in the chest and is the first foreign journalist to be
   killed in the Middle East during the 17 month long uprising.

   French FM Vedrine blames Europe and the US for the violence in the 
   Middle East

   French Foreign Minister, Hubert Vedrine, has told a french newspaper
   that both the United States and Europe share part of the blame for
   the never ending cycle of violence in the Middle East. Mr. Vedrine
   told Le Monde, that Israeli policy has been accepted far too long and
   it was time to stop blaming Yassar Arafat for the failure of the Camp
   David peace talks. Mr. Vedrine said it was also wrong to insist on a
   period of calm before the launch of new peace talks, saying 1400
   deaths and almost a year and half later, the policy has not worked.
   He also called on EU leaders who will meet in Spain this weekend to
   make concrete contributions to solving the conflict.

   Mugabe Wins - Official Claim

   Incumbent Robert Mugabe has been declared the winner of last
   weekend's presidential election in Zimbabwe. However, the opposition
   and critics including foreign election monitors have condemned the
   election as neither free nor fair. 2.9 million votes were cast during
   the three days of voting. The election commission announced Mugabe
   won 56 percent and MDC challenger Morgan Tsvanigirai 42 percent of
   the vote. The army had been deployed in several cities overnight to
   quell any sign of trouble. Riot police were also deployed into
   Harare's black townships and set up roadblocks on all major highways
   leading into the capital. The central business district was
   uncharacteristically quiet on Wednesday with most people refusing to
   speak to reporters.

   Indians greet prayer ruling but fear remains

   Indians welcomed a court ruling on Wednesday barring Hindu activists
   from holding a ceremony near a site claimed by Muslims and said the
   two communities should seek a compromise. The Supreme Court on
   Wednesday rebuffed a plea by Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee's
   government that a Hindu prayer ceremony be allowed at the site in the
   city of Ayodhya, which is considered holy by both Hindus and Muslims.
   However, while there was hope the court ruling might head off more
   violence there was also still much caution and fear throughout the
   country, but especially in Gujarat state, scene of the recent
   bloodshed. More than 700 people have been killed in Hindu-Muslim
   clashes sparked by the controversy over the Ayodhya site in recent

   Karzai to Visit Germany

   Afghan interim leader, Hamid Karzai, is due to arrive in Germany this
   evening for a three visit, which will focus on the next steps in the
   reconstruction process in Afghanistan. Accompanying Mr. Karzai will
   be six of his ministers. Mr. Karzai told a German radio station that
   his people would welcome German leadership of the ISAF troops
   currently deployed in Kabul. Britian is currently in charge but has
   repeatedly said they will hand over the command role to another
   country after six months. On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir
   Putin offered Karzai Russian help to defuse Soviet-era weapons
   scattered throughout Afghanistan. Last week, 3 Danish and 2 German
   soldiers were killed when a former Soviet era missile exploded during
   a "clean up operation".

   Paddy Ashdown arrives to testify against Slobodan Milosevic

   International Balkans envoy Paddy Ashdown has arrived at a court in
   the Hague to testify against Slobodan Milosevic at his war crimes
   trial. The former British opposition Liberal Democrat leader is the
   first major international figure to testify at the war crimes
   tribunal. Mr. Milosevic on Wednesday resumed his vigorous cross
   examination of a former Kosovo railway worker challenging details of
   his account of the mass deportation by Serb forces of the Albanian
   majority during a 1999 crackdown. Wednesday is the 22 day of
   Milosevic's trial.

   Nudists seek permission to stage a Berlin rally

   And finally something from the lighter side. Police in Berlin are
   pondering a rather unusual request. All rallies in Germany are
   required by law to be approved by the local police authority. Peter
   Nieherke, has applied for permission to allow 300 nudists to
   demonstate in the central Tiergarten park this summer. Nieherke a
   nude activitist said hundreds of people often sunbathe topless or
   nude in the park so to have a nudist rally shouldn't be any problem.
   Nieherke for years has jogged through his neighbourhood in Freiburg
   everyday wearing nothing but a smile.

   For more information please turn to our internet website at

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