From "Karen Lee Wald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Call Bush's Bluff
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 08:51:41 -0800

Yesterday's San Jose Mercury News (and I suppose
many other papers) headlined "U.S. to aid nations
in anti-terror fight".
 I think that is a great idea, and nowhere could
Bush prove his sincerety more than in punishing
and/or extraditing to their countries of origen
and the places where they committed their
atrocities a long list of Cuban, Salvadoran,
Guatemalan, Nicaraguan, Honduran and other rightwing
murderers currently enjoying the comforts of Florida
and other US cities. (See below for one example).
Shouldn't we be bombarding the White House, Stae Dept
and Congress with demands that Bush keep his word about
ALL terrorists, and forget the old adage said about
Somoza "He may be an SOB but he's OUR SOB..."? 
March 12, 2002
Terrorists continue flaunting themselves
in Miami with total impunity

(Special for Granma International)

COULD it be that the very long prison sentences handed down
to the five Cubans falsely accused of espionage were aimed
at protecting Miami terrorist circles and dissuading any
person or group who wants to counteract those circles'
criminal activities?

One might think so when one sees with what impunity - and
what arrogance - recognized terrorists continue to flaunt
themselves in public rallies sponsored by mafia groups in
Miami, as in the days immediately following the failed
occupation attempt at the Mexican embassy in Havana.

Two successive events, both called by the mafia to denounce
the Mexican government's correct attitude related to that
incident, have received attention.

The first, in chronological order: rally called by terrorist
group Alpha-66 and its head, Nazario Sargent, was amply
covered in the Miami press, which is always ready to spread
the terrorist message to those groups most predisposed to
violence - including publishing their extremist demands.
That was clearly demonstrated less than three weeks before
the fateful Twin Towers and Pentagon attacks when The Miami
Herald published, in the August 22, 2001 edition, a pamphlet
defending aggression against Cuba by whatever means,
including the use of violence.

Alpha-66's terrorist actions could fill a book, and various
volumes at that. The group's leaders were present at a June
1976 meeting in the Dominican Republic, when the most
extreme counterrevolutionary elements met to form the
Command of United Revolutionary Organizations, the sinister
CORU group. And afterwards they always willingly lent their
support in the over 50 attempts so far attributed to
Cuban-American terrorist organizations.

The day after the first rally, the provocation was even more
basic. In the very headquarters of the association of those
nostalgic for the counterrevolutionaries' disastrous attack
at the Bay of Pigs - the Playa Girón victory -
representatives of 60 groups, splinter groups and miniscule
groups called a new rally to denounce Mexico.

While a spokesperson for that species of
counterrevolutionary coalition exhorted the Cuban-American
community to boycott Mexican products, one could observe at
their side, on the very podium along with the most
distinguished guests, two of the best known Miami
terrorists: killer pediatrician Orlando Bosch, with his
usual sinister appearance, and violent black-bearded
mercenary Rodolfo Frómeta.

Of course, Orlando Bosch is the better known of the pair. He
and Luis Posada Carriles were the masterminds of the October
6, 1976 explosion on board a Cubana Airlines plane in full
flight, in which 73 people died. Killer Bosch was later
released from a Venezuelan jail thanks to Otto Reich, now in
charge of Latin American affairs for the State Department.
Reich has acted as Bosch's godfather, even to the point of
getting him a pardon from George Bush Sr.

For over 40 years, Bosch has been responsible for
innumerable crimes of terror. He continues in his capacity
as professional terrorist, constantly urging violence as a
method for political struggle.

Bosch may be a dinosaur in the world of Miami terrorism, but
Frómeta is a shrewder version of the anti-Cuba criminal,
with a devastating potential for terrorism.

In 1981, Alpha-66 sent him to Cuba to do some "work," such
as poisoning cattle, setting fire to sugarcane plantations
and destroying citrus orchards.

He was imprisoned, serving 10 years.

In 1994, before his return to Miami, Frómeta was once again
arrested, with six other individuals, this time in the Gulf
of Mexico by a U.S. Coast Guard patrol; 50 weapons, 26,000
cartridges and thousands of dollars were discovered on board
his boat. Legal authorities didn't consider him worthy of
charges - even though the terrorist admitted he was sailing
towards Cuban territory.

In June of the same year, Rodolfo Frómeta was arrested again
with Fausto Merimont, an Alpha-66 crony, while they were
purchasing a Stinger anti-aircraft rocket, three M-72
anti-tank rockets, C-4 explosives, and a rocket launcher
from an undercover FBI agent.

That time he was sentenced to 41 months, a real "bargain"
for such a violent individual. He was released in September
1997, on the condition that he stay in Miami and not
associate with people carrying weapons.

Frómeta is the archetype visceral terrorist, an intimate
friend of Guillermo Novo - one of Posada Carriles'
Panamanian hirelings - and ally of Roberto Martín Pérez, his
Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) sponsor. In the
following weeks he associated with Miguel Rodríguez Heredia,
living in the Dominican Republic, to support an
"infiltration plan" in Guantánamo province with speedboats
and weapons from Costa Rica.

The career terrorist has now left Alpha-66, after a dispute
with Nazario Sargent, to join "F-4 Commandos," an
organization with a long history of aggression against the

On August 24, 1999, El Diario de las Americas daily, another
Miami mafia collaborator, announced the "reactivation of
activities" by Frómeta's organization and the "destruction"
of "two Gaviota corporation buses, four train cars, two
cigar factories and two taxis belonging to the Cubalse
corporation" in Cuba, claiming that these were "military
objectives." This was denounced in a roundtable on the theme
in Havana.

January 12, 2001, saw Frómeta informing the same propaganda
crew that they had "burnt down a Gaviota taxi terminal and
also a bus terminal."

Like Bosch, who has free State Department entry, Frómeta
boasts of his good relations with Congressman Lincoln
Díaz-Balart, Miami mafia capo on Capitol Hill.

Doesn't the presence Orlando Bosch and Rodolfo Frómeta at
rallies sponsored by Miami mafia groups and splinter groups
demonstrate that such groups support terrorism?

What does Alpha-66's presence
on Miami television signify, if not support for terrorism as
a "legitimate" means to harass the Cuban Revolution? How
should we interpret the U.S. authorities' tolerance of
groups like Alpha-66 and F-4 Commandos, who are in the
public eye and have websites, if not as giving their
blessing to terrorism?

Miami is dominated, muzzled and swindled by mafia extremists
and has now officially been named as the poorest city in the
United States. It continues to suffer under the weight of
terror, reduced to silence by a criminal network that now
even holds strategic positions in the federal government.

While the five Cubans are sent to prison for risking their
lives to stop terrorism against the island, tolerance of
terrorists on the part of the same Miami legal system has
provided a breather for extremists, giving them the green
light to concoct attacks against Cuba.

And their faces on the city's television screens is one more
example of this catastrophic situation.

Karen Lee Wald
2175 Aborn Road, apt. 164
 San Jose, CA 95121
 telephone 408-532-6147

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