
 Obviously, this is not the case for everyone...

> [This is a sad day indeed...]
> Serbia and Montenegro agree death of Yugoslavia
> By Will Hardie
> BELGRADE, March 14 (Reuters) - Montenegro shelved its independence plans 
> on 
> Thursday to form a new union with Serbia, consigning Yugoslavia to 
> history in 
> a deal the West hopes will avoid more violent redrawing of Balkan 
> borders. 
> "We have taken an important step forward for the stability of the region 
> and 
> of Europe," European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana said after 
> signing a draft constitutional framework with leaders of the two 
> republics. 
> Under heavy EU pressure, Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic agreed to 
> a 
> three-year moratorium on a breakaway referendum for his small coastal 
> republic and committed to reshape Yugoslavia as a union called "Serbia 
> and 
> Montenegro." 
> Yugoslavia, whose painful breakup spawned four of Europe's bloodiest 
> conflicts since World War Two, would finally cease to exist but without 
> disintegrating into more unstable parts. 
> But it will only happen if Djukanovic can overcome heavy opposition from 
> allies and voters who want full independence. 
> After a decade of Balkan wars, the West fears Montenegrin independence 
> would 
> signal to ethnic Albanians in Kosovo and Macedonia and to Serbs in 
> Bosnia 
> that borders are negotiable, tempting them to seek separation by violent 
> or 
> other means. 
> Even Thursday's compromise deal raised hopes of independence for Kosovo 
> among 
> some Albanian politicians. Kosovo, now administered by the United 
> Nations, 
> remains part of the union. 
> "This agreement will accelerate the process of independence for Kosovo, 
> because from today Yugoslavia no longer exists," said Ruxhdi Sefa, a 
> senior 
> official from the province's third largest party the Alliance for the 
> Future 
> of Kosovo. 
> Serbia and Montenegro, the only two of Yugoslavia's six republics not to 
> break away since the old federation started to unravel along ethnic 
> lines in 
> 1991, will now draft a new constitution, along with federal leaders. 
> Parliaments will need to agree the document, which will replace the 
> current 
> Federal institutions with a new "Union" parliament, president, cabinet 
> and 
> army. 
> Djukanovic will find it hard to sell the deal to key pro-independence 
> allies 
> at home and many analysts say Serbia and Montenegro have diverged so far 
> that 
> it is questionable how long their new union can last. 
> The two agreed broadly to harmonise their economies but the document 
> contained no detailed solutions to how to realign their highly different 
> financial systems. Djukanovic said Montenegro would not backtrack on de 
> facto 
> freedoms it already enjoyed. 
> "I think the political public in Montenegro has every reason to be 
> satisfied 
> with what we have achieved with this agreement, most importantly all 
> results 
> of economic reforms that Montenegro has achieved over the past year have 
> been 
> preserved," he said. 
> Montenegro stopped using the Yugoslav Dinar currency in 1999, adopting 
> instead the German mark and its successor, the euro. It was not clear 
> how 
> this, or the two republics' distinct markets and parallel customs 
> systems, 
> would be reconciled. 
> Djukanovic is eager not to endanger aid and rapprochement with the West 
> but 
> is under pressure from pro-independence Liberals on whose support his 
> minority government depends. 
> Liberal Alliance leader Miodrag Zivkovic said he was shocked and called 
> the 
> deal a betrayal. Djukanovic's Social Democratic Party (SDP) allies also 
> branded it a "great step back." 
> "Montenegrin citizens and voters are cheated, because this decision 
> represents something which is unacceptable from a political, moral and 
> patriotic stand," SDP spokesman Novak Adzic said. "Montenegro will have 
> less 
> independence." 
> The pro-Yugoslav opposition Socialist People's Party said Djukanovic's 
> independence project had now completely failed. 
> But Djukanovic sought to soothe worries, assuring Montenegro's 615,000 
> people 
> they could reconsider relations with Serbia, which has a population of 
> 10 
> million, in the future. 
> "The agreement does not jeopardise the basic right of every people to 
> re-examine after a certain period their stand on the future of their 
> state," 
> Djukanovic told reporters. 
> All sides were motivated by ambitions shared across the Balkans to forge 
> closer ties with the affluent European Union, which said they had taken 
> a 
> step in the right direction. 
> "This is good news for Europe and for the future of the Western Balkans 
> on 
> their road to the EU," EU Commission Foreign Relations Spokesman Gunnar 
> Wiegand said in Brussels. 
> Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica and Djukanovic were to attend a 
> summit 
> of EU leaders in Barcelona on Friday to be feted for agreeing the deal, 
> a 
> further step in calming the Balkans. 
> Kostunica said the new state would embody a break with the former regime 
> under Slobodan Milosevic, who led Yugoslavia into international 
> isolation. 
> Kostunica's job will be replaced by a less powerful position in the new 
> union, which analysts said may hasten a showdown with his ruling 
> coalition 
> rival, Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic. 
> Elections for new institutions would force a shakeout in Serbia's 
> unwieldy 
> 18-party ruling alliance. Kostunica's party could run against Djindjic 
> and 
> his allies and Kostunica himself may challenge Djindjic for the Serbian 
> premiership. 
> 12:50 03-14-02


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