
This is a masterful overview and analysis. I'd
strongly recommend list members circulate it to their
personal contacts and elsewhere.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ---------------------------
> [Today is a really sad day.  Under the leadership of
> Javier Solana, the same 
> man who as NATO Secretary General led the illegal
> aggression on Yugoslavia in 
> 1999, the European Union has just brokered a deal to
> wipe Yugoslavia off the 
> world map in a top down processes that most
> Yugoslavs reject.  The deal was 
> brokered between Solana, Milo Djukanovic (the
> President of Montenegro), Zoran 
> Djindjic (the Prime Minister of Serbia), and
> Vojislav Kostunica (the 
> President of Yugoslavia).  Djukanovic is the leader
> of the Democratic 
> Socialist Party (DPS) in Montenegro, a far-right
> neoliberal creation that is 
> a regional hub for mafia activity, cigarette
> smuggling and money laundering.  
> Elections in Montenegro have been deeply flawed and
> the DPS as well as its 
> junior partner the Liberal Union have used voter
> intimidation, particularly 
> of state employees to stay in power.  The majority
> of Montenegrins oppose 
> indipendence, yet through manipulation and Western
> support the DPS has 
> managed to maintain a narrow margin over its closest
> rivals the Socialist 
> Peoples Party (SNP) [although the SNPs party base is
> still firmly 
> pro-Yugoslav and opposed to NATO, the leadership has
> in recent months moved 
> away from its grass-roots constituency as it has
> moved with pro-Western 
> forces in Yugoslavia on several key legislative
> items].  Djindjic on the 
> other hand is the un-elected Prime Minister of
> Serbia who was appointed by a 
> DOS dominated Parliament as a key condition of
> Western aid to FRY.  He has 
> never held more than 5% of popular support in the
> country, and his neoliberal 
> views and particular brand of collaborationist
> Serbian nationalism issharply 
> at odds with the majority of the Yugoslav
> population.  Nonetheless he has 
> unconstitutionally arrogated to himself all the
> powers of the elected 
> position of the Serbian Presidency, which is still
> held by the still popular 
> Socialist Party of Serbia.  In any case support for
> the preservation of 
> Yugoslavia is overwhelming, and the current process
> is being imposed from 
> above opening the way for the final destruction of
> the Federal Republic of 
> Yugoslavia's territorial integrity, and thereby
> completing the US and German 
> goal of destroying Yugoslavia once and for all
> through a maximalist 
> anti-Yugoslav program that would serve to sharpen
> divisions between all 
> southern Slavs in order to weaken the most likely
> focus of resistance to NATO 
> occupation of this imensily strategic region.  This
> move was also given the 
> green light by the Federal President Kostunica,
> whose popularity is dropping 
> daily in the polls as a result of mismanagement and
> impotence in the face of 
> daily NATO pressures to alter the whole framework of
> Yugoslav society and 
> impose a narrow-ethnic chauvinist and
> archly-capitalist social framework on 
> the countries peoples.  Most parties have been
> compromised on the issue of 
> coloboration with the occupying powers and Yugoslavs
> will not be given a 
> choice to choose in a referendum between this new
> Western created arrangement 
> and the indigenously created FRY in a plebistice.  A
> new "Union of Serbia and 
> Montenegro" (USM) is to be proclaimed in accordance
> with US policy towards 
> the region, which was the only country not to
> recognize FRY as a sovereign 
> state since it was reconstituted in 1992, refering
> to it instead as "Serbia 
> and Montenegro" (a formulation in which the
> provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo 
> were considered as semi-independent states as well).
>  The official American 
> narrative on Yugoslavia's dissolution, regarding
> seccession issues, is now 
> being imposed in order to further divide and weaken
> any potential resistance 
> to NATO and to destroy the ability of anyone state
> or people in the region to 
> effectively resist the new colonial regime. 
> Thankfully this is still not a 
> fait-accompli, but the new Western funded elites
> have proven adept at passing 
> unpopular laws in the past, such as the new labour
> law which recently 
> dismantled the "social ownership" which was the
> foundation of property 
> relations in Yugoslavia in favor of a completely
> privatized system and 
> retrenched substantial labour rights severely
> despite mass-protests 
> throughout Yugoslavia (ignored in the Western press,
> these demos attracted 
> 50,000+ people in Belgrade at their peak earlier
> this year).  This process is 
> occuring in the context of an election campaign in
> NATO-member Hungary were 
> the ruling neoliberal Fidesz party is continuing
> with "Greater Hungarian" 
> policies that seek to legally integrate Hungarian
> minorities living in 
> neighboring countries into Hungary's governing
> structures, reverse the Benes 
> Decress, some portions of the post-WWI Versaille
> order and the use the 
> Hungarian state with the full-backing of the EU, the
> United States and NATO 
> to implement neoliberalism abroad.  Furthermore, the
> popular LDK in Kosovo, 
> whose non-violent leader Ibrahim Rugova is the most
> popular figure in Kosovo, 
> has, despite wining recent elections, been forced by
> the US to accept a 
> "power-sharring" agreement with KLA extremists,
> including the appointment of 
> Bajram Rexhepi to the position of Kosovo PM. 
> Rexhepi represents the most 
> extreme current of Albanian nationalism and is
> completely at odds with the 
> majority of the Albanian population whose moderate
> views are in accord with 
> Rugova's LDK (which, again, received the most votes
> in the recent elections). 
>  Thus the United States is backing all the forces
> throughout the still 
> existing Federal Republic of Yugoslavia that favor
> fractious, narrow 
> ethno-nationalist politics, coupled with a strong
> comitment to neoliberal 
> capitalist values.  As these injustices mount real
> Balkan patriots will have 
> to see that their interests lie in unity with other
> ethnic groups and not 
> division.  All groups in the region have a proud
> history of anti-fascist and 
> anti-imperialist resistence, let's do everything in
> our efforts to ensure 
> that these traditions gain new wind in the coming
> years.  The task will be 
> difficult, but resistance to "the internationals" is
> already rife throughout 
> the region.  I am confident it will over time, of
> necessity, eventually 
> coalesce into a progressive force that will overcome
> current limitations.  
> Let's hope this day comes sooner or later, not just
> for the Balkans, but for 
> the world.  Remember the Balkans has been the
> graveyard of many Empires, 
> burrying one more wouldn't be too much to ask now
> would it?]
> Serbia, Montenegro Sign Accord
> .c The Associated Press
> BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) - Serbia and Montenegro
> signed a historic accord 
> Thursday to radically restructure their federation,
> dropping the name 
> Yugoslavia and granting greater autonomy to prevent
> the country's final 
> breakup. 
> The agreement, reached under mediation by the
> European Union, was signed by 
> Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica, Montenegrin
> President Milo Djukanovic, 
> EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana and other
> Serbian and Montenegrin 
> officials. 
> The new country, consisting of two semi-independent
> states, will be renamed 
> Serbia and Montenegro, Kostunica said after the
> signing ceremony. Both 
> republics will share a defense and foreign policy,
> but will maintain separate 
> economies, currencies and customs services for the
> time 
=== message truncated ===

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