
NY Times, March 15, 2002 
The Horrors of the Balkan Wars as Shrewdly Staged

One of the many unsettling contentions of George
Bogdanich's documentary 
film, "Yugoslavia, the Avoidable War," is its
assertion that many of the most horrendous events in
the recent Balkan wars were stage-managed for the news
media. A number of the massacres and atrocities
reported on television with bodies on display, it
maintains, were shrewdly planned illusions concocted
by the Bosnian Muslims to inflame international
opinion against the Serbs. The city of Sarajevo in
particular served more than once as an accessible
location for deceptive television coverage. 
Although it would be inaccurate to label this
documentary pro-Serbian, the film, which opens today
at the Two Boots Pioneer Theater, methodically sets
out to demolish much of the conventional wisdom about
who did what to whom and who was to blame. It insists
that a regional civil war that could have been settled
without prolonged bloodshed was turned into a major
conflagration by outside interference and national
As the United States government has tacitly
acknowledged by keeping the press at bay in
Afghanistan, public relations and the ability to get
your version of events across is almost as important
as weaponry in modern warfare. The version of a war
that is reported on television becomes the official
version that in turn motivates crucial political
The film asserts that partly because of American
television's need for clear-cut heroes and villains, a
scenario of good guys (the oppressed Bosnian Muslims)
versus bad (the evil, barbaric Serbs) came to dominate
mainstream news coverage of the war. After one
reporter heard a Serbian use the words "ethnic
cleansing," for instance, the term, with its repugnant
genocidal associations, was seized on by the Clinton
administration as a buzzword and used to bash the
Serbs, when in fact all sides were equally intent on
"cleansing" their territories of undesirables. 
This heroes-and-villains mentality, the film contends,
also served American interests by giving the United
States an excuse to preserve and strengthen NATO in
the post-Communist era when its relevance had become
It allowed us to keep our power base in Europe. The
film bluntly calls "an occupying force" the NATO
forces (led by the United States) that remain in
Kosovo, Bosnia and Macedonia without an official date
for withdrawing, and it goes so far as to accuse that
19-nation army of conspiring to commit war crimes. 
Almost anything we thought we knew about the Balkan
wars is thrown into question by the film. Did a highly
publicized civilian massacre of Bosnian Muslims [sic]
by Serbs in Kosovo that prompted NATO to intensify the
bombing of Yugoslavia really take place? Or did
Bosnian Muslims [sic] transport the bodies of dead
soldiers (not civilians) overnight to the site and
then cry massacre? 
And what about the numbers? Subsequent investigations,
the movie claims, have shown that the tally of
casualties at the hands of Serbs, including the
supposed mass rapes of Bosnian women, was outrageously
Whether or not you're convinced by the film's
assertions, many of which are based on information
provided by the Red Cross, Amnesty International,
Human Rights Watch and other organizations that
investigated reported events after the fact,
"Yugoslavia, the Avoidable War" does an impressive job
of relating the complicated history of the war and of
filling in the background. Some of that background has
been overshadowed by the designation of the Serbs as
the villains. The Croatians, it reminds us,
collaborated closely with the Nazis during World War
II in the slaughter of 750,000 Serbs, Jews and Gypsies
in their territory. 
As for the Bosnian Muslims, the film says there is
ample evidence documenting Bosnians' alliance with
Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda network. 
Mr. bin Laden was a regular visitor to the office of
Bosnia's president Alija Izetbegovic in early 1993, a
time when the United States was lauding his commitment
to moderation and multiethnic cooperation. 
As the meticulously chronological account of the
Balkan wars unfolds event by event, failed peace
initiative by failed peace initiative, "Yugoslavia,
the Avoidable War" leads you to a no man's land of
The truth, of course, was never as black-and-white as
it is has been painted for us. It rarely is. 
Directed by George Bogdanich; directors of
photography, Michael Moser, Vladimir Bibic, Dragan
Milinkovic, David Hansen, Joe Friendly and Predrag
Bambic; edited by Mary Patierno; title song, "Road to
Hell," by Chris Rea; produced by Mr. Bogdanich and
Martin Lettmayer; released by Hargrove Entertainmnet.
At the Two Boots Pioneer Theater, 155 East Third
Street, East Village. Running time: 165 minutes. This
film is not rated. 
WITH: Sanya Popovic (Narrator) and Lord Peter
Carrington, James Baker, Lawrence Eagleburger, Hans
Dietrich Genscher, Nora Beloff, Susan Woodward and Ted
Galen Carpenter. 

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