
[Not often reported is that the U.S. leases parts of
Puerto Rico to NATO, where multinational NATO
exercises are regularly held, often with
cancer-causing depleted uranium
One of the first victims of NATO's war of aggression
in 1999 was Puerto Rican security guard David Sanes
Rodriguez, killed by a 500 pound bomb during what was
described in the press at the time as a "Kosovo

U.S. Navy to Resume Exercises on Vieques in April
March 16, 2002 3:48 pm EST 
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (Reuters) - The U.S. Navy will
conduct a new round of training exercises on the
island of Vieques in a few weeks, a move that protest
groups said on Saturday would reactivate their civil
disobedience campaign.
A press assistant for the Puerto Rico governor's
office said Saturday that Secretary of State Ferdinand
Mercado received a letter from the U.S. Navy Friday
informing him that it would conduct about 22 days of
training from as early as April 1.
Groups opposing the use of the 33,000-acre island as a
Navy training and bombing range said they would try to
disrupt the maneuvers through their campaign of
sneaking onto the bombing range during the training.
"We're ready. We've been ready for quite some time
now," said Ismael Guadalupe of the Committee for the
Rescue and Development of Vieques. He said scores of
volunteers had already signed up to take part.
The protests would be the first since the civil
disobedience campaign was halted after the Sept. 11
attacks on the United States. The Navy last trained on
Vieques in October during the moratorium.
The training will involve both ship-to-shore shelling
and aerial bombing. But only inert ordnance, or dummy
bombs, will be used.
Under a presidential order, the Navy has refrained
from "live fire" training since civilian security
guard David Sanes Rodriguez was killed during a
botched Navy bombing run in April 1999.
President Bush has pledged to end the training on
Vieques, an island off the coast of Puerto Rico that
is home to 9,600 people, by May 1, 2003. 

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