
> <A
> Over 100 US servicemen killed so far
> in Afghanistan says Russian agency
> 2002-03-16 19:36:23
> Itar-Tass
> 16 March 2002
> The armed forces of the United States have lost
> 102 men killed and 124
> wounded during the "anti-terrorist" operation which
> began in Afghanistan in
> October 2001. The figure was furnished to Itar-Tass
> by military sources in
> the Afghan capital.
> They noted that the indicated
> number of killed and wounded American officers
> and men included only the
> "combat losses" sustained by U.S. troops during the
> operations against
> Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters.
> If the more than 50 Americans, who lost
> their lives in various accidents,
> including those in the republics of
> Central Asia, and the few dozens of men
> wounded under similar
> circumstances, were to be added to this figure, the
> total number of
> casualties would reach about 300.
> The American Air Force has lost about 15
> aircraft during the operation in
> Afghanistan. The number of American
> warplanes shot down does not include the
> F-14 "Tomcat" deck fighters, since
> these losses have not been confirmed, the
> sources said.
> About 1,000
> American, Afghan and Canadian servicemen are now searching
> mountain caves
> near the town of Gardez, 150 kilometres to the south of Kabul,
> which
> previously provided shelter to Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters. Pentagon
> official Dave Lapen said that allied soldiers were now destroying the
> weapons
> and ammunition discarded by terrorists, looking for documents that
> could shed
> light on them. According to Lapen, the search is proceeding
> slowly owing to
> booby-traps.
> The U.S. intelligence has found at least
> 12more seats of Al-Qaeda and Talib
> resistance in Afghanistan. This was
> reported in Thursdayıs issue of the New
> York Post, which quoted Pentagon
> officials. The newspaper notes that none of
> these areas are comparable, as
> regards the number of defenders, to the
> Shah-i-Kot Valley in Paktia
> Province, where fierce battles were recently
> fought in the course of the
> "Anaconda" operation. According to Pentagon
> estimates, this enemy group
> consists of about 1,000 men.
> Officials of the U.S. Defence Department
> noted that small groups of American
> commandos were now launching
> reconnaissance raids against Taliban
> concentrations in Southeastern
> Afghanistan. Their task is to obtain
> information for new large-scale
> operations, similar to "Anaconda".
> According to the newspaper, one of the
> areas, where enemy fighters are
> concentrated, is near Kandahar, on the
> territory of the Pushtun tribe to
> which Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar
> belongs.
> Three Al-Qaeda fighters were killed on Thursday by Canadian and
> American
> soldiers in the course of the "Harpoon" operation under way in
> Eastern
> Afghanistan. Officials of the Canadian National Defence Ministry
> reported
> that 500 Canadian and 100 American servicemen, commanded by a
> Canadian
> officer, were taking part in that operation.
> According to
> Canadian military sources, the purpose of the operation is to
> wipe out or
> capture about 100 Al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters, entrenched in
> the
> mountains south of Gardez. The area was heavily bombed before the
> operation
> began. It is reported that heavy fire was exchanged there on
> Thursday.
> There were no losses reported among the Canadian and American
> soldiers.
> Analysts note that this is the first time since the end of the 1950-1953
> Korean War that a Canadian military contingent has taken part in such a
> large-scale military operation. At present, there are 900 Canadian
> in Afghanistan.
> ------ End of Forwarded Message


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