
DAWN (Pakistan)
March 19, 2002

'Vietnamization' of Philippines on the cards 
By Michael Bengwayan 

ZAMBOANGA CITY (Philippines): The arrival of American
troops to help the Philippine government in its uphill
battle against the Abu Sayyaf rebels, which is said to
have links with Al Qaeda and Afghan-based terrorists ,
was hailed by President Gloria Arroyo's

But local people in war-torn Mindanao fear that if the
Abus, as the Abu Sayyaf cadres are commonly known, are
not completely wiped out quickly the country may be in
for trouble brought on by a second spell of American
presence in the Philippines, which used to be a US

The apprehension of many Filipinos was articulated by
a former defence minister and ex-senator Juan Ponce
Enrile, who warned about the impending
"Vietnamization" of the Philippines. 

The current scenario, he added, pointed to the
"potentiality of a Vietnam conflict" which began with
the arrival of American 'advisers' and ended only
after years of full-scale war that decimated Vietnam. 

Enrile said the presence of large numbers of American
troops in the Philippines may be tantamount to
"stationing troops" which violates both the Philippine
constitution and provisions of the Visiting Forces
Agreement (VFA) with the United States. The agreement
restricts US military presence in the country to
limited US visits and sharing of military information.
The Philippine constitution bans foreign troops and
nuclear weapons in the country. 

But the Supreme Court, made up of President Arroyo's
appointees, gave the nod to joint military activities
between the Philippine armed forces and US troops
saying that "it is not a violation of the Philippine

As a US colony, the Philippines permitted the US to
set up military bases, including a naval base in Subic
Bay and an air base in Clark Field. They were
eventually closed down under pressure from Manila in

Now top Philippine officials are working overtime
defending the presence of the 650 US troops, including
commandos from the elite Special Forces - popularly
known as Green Berets. 

"The American soldiers are here to train Filipino
combatants," said National Security Adviser Roilo
Golez, describing controversial joint military
exercises called Balikatan. 

Those who opposed the exercises, declared Arroyo
provocatively, were "terrorist-lovers". Already 160 US
Special Forces are hunting the Abu Sayyaf in the
hinterlands of Basilan, the Mindanao island hideout of
the group. 

The tactical manoeuvres resulted in the crash on Feb
22 of a US Chinook MH 47E helicopter, killing three
American soldiers. Seven others are missing. It
crashed into the Mindanao Sea at night while
transporting some Green Berets. 

Basilan's jungle is the turf of the Abu Sayyaf - a
kidnap-for-ransom group that Washington says is linked
to Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda network. The group
seized American missionary couple Martin and Gracia
Burnham and Filipino nurse Deborah Yap in a resort in
Palawan Island last May, and has been holding them

It beheaded California missionary Guillermo Sobero in
December last year. It is one of several militant
organizations responsible for the resurgence of
violence in the Philippines in 1999. 

Earlier it was a faction within the Moro National
Liberation Front (MNLF), but broke away in 1991 to
pursue a more fundamentalist war against the
government with the aim of establishing a separate
Islamic state in Mindanao. 

Abu Sayyaf - meaning "father of the swordsman" in
Arabic - was named after an Afghan fighter. Abu
Sayyaf's reported links to Al Qaeda and Afghanistan
and its holding of American hostages are the US
reasons for expanding its 'war against terrorism' from
Afghanistan to the Philippines. 

While most Filipinos, who are 90 per cent Catholic,
have no love for a strongly Muslim militant group,
some are uneasy at the return of US troops to the
country which closed down US military bases under
public pressure only a decade ago. 

Presidential spokesman Rigoberto Tiglao said the joint
military activity is expected to eliminate the Abu
Sayyaf, which has created an image of the Philippines
as "another Afghanistan". 

Tiglao said the US soldiers would not engage in combat
and would be supervised by the armed forces of the
Philippines. "But of course they will shoot back if
shot at. Don't expect them to be sitting ducks," he

That does not reassure the influential Mindanao War
Victims group chaired by Datu Haji Alonto. He warned
the involvement of US soldiers will increase
resentment of Muslims against the government which has
long neglected them. 

"If body bags started flying to the US with dead
American soldiers, do you think they will just leave,
like in Somalia?" he said. "...That would be just the
excuse needed by the American militarists to bomb
Mindanao using state of the art and untested modern
weapons and plant their bases." 

Already activist groups are holding daily rallies in
front of the US embassy in Manila and the presidential

They have organized forums and symposiums, and
launched a legal challenge and media campaign. "All of
us are alarmed by this development," said former
senator Wigberto Tanada, who heads an activists'
coalition tentatively named the Gathering for Peace. 

"What we gained in 1991 is in danger of being lost,"
Tanada said, referring to the Philippine Senate's
abrogation of the Philippine-US military bases
agreement. Tanada was one of the senators who voted to
revoke the treaty.-Dawn/Gemini News Service. 

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