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Serge Trifkovic is quoted in this article.   

March 18, 2002
                      Yugoslav stability jarred by war
                      By Jeffrey T. Kuhner
                      THE WASHINGTON TIMES

                           The trial of former President Slobodan Milosevic at the
                      war crimes tribunal in The Hague threatens to split
                      Yugoslavia's ruling coalition and undermine the country's
                      political stability.
                           The threat comes as Yugoslav
                      President Vojislav Kostunica loses
                      power to Serbian Prime Minister
                      Zoran Djindjic, even as the prime
                      minister's own popularity suffers
                      due to Mr. Milosevic's strong
                      performance at the tribunal.
                           "The willingness of the current
                      ruling coalition to cooperate with
                      The Hague was their entry into
                      power," said Srdja Trifkovic, the
                      foreign affairs editor of Chronicles
                      magazine and a frequent
                      commentator on the Balkans. "This
                      is boomeranging because Milosevic has proven himself to be
                      such a strong defendant at the war crimes tribunal, putting
                      many of the witnesses on the defensive."
                           The power struggle deepened this month when Mr.
                      Kostunica's party openly clashed with the ruling alliance led
                      by Mr. Djindjic over the issue of cooperation with the
                      tribunal, which is prosecuting those charged with war crimes
                      committed during the bloody breakup of Yugoslavia in the
                           Mr. Kostunica's Democratic Party of Serbia, a pivotal
                      member of the ruling alliance, announced last week it would
                      boycott key coalition meetings because of a draft law on
                      cooperation with the tribunal. Mr. Kostunica has been a critic
                      of the U.N. tribunal.
                           The party said it would withdraw from all meetings of
                      Serbia's presidency, which includes party leaders of all
                      alliance members and formulates most of the policies affecting
                           In a statement quoted by the Associated Press, Mr.
                      Kostunica's party said it had "no intention of giving false
                      legitimacy to the decisions passed by other parties."
                           Dragan Marsicanin, the party's deputy president, said it
                      had not bolted from the coalition but is only boycotting
                      presidency meetings.
                           Mr. Kostunica's party controls 45 of 250 seats in the
                      Serbian parliament, eight of the 130 seats in the federal
                      parliament's lower chamber and one of 40 in its upper
                      chamber. Mr. Djindjic and his allies hold 131 seats in the
                      Serbian parliament.
                           Mr. Djindjic, whose party is the largest in the coalition,
                      supports the law on cooperation with The Hague. He
                      approved the extradition of Mr. Milosevic to the tribunal last
                      year — a move Mr. Kostunica denounced.
                           Balkan observers have said the boycott highlights Mr.
                      Kostunica's loss of influence within the alliance.
                           "After Milosevic's fall, it would have been impossible for
                      Djindjic to come to power without Kostunica's help," Mr.
                      Trifkovic said. But "during the last 15 months, Djindjic's ruling
                      coalition has been doing its best to undermine Kostunica."
                           The turning point, he said, was the decision to turn over
                      Mr. Milosevic to the tribunal.
                           Mr. Milosevic, who is accused of perpetrating crimes
                      against humanity during the wars in Croatia, Bosnia and
                      Kosovo, has managed in the early days of his trial to put the
                      prosecution's Albanian witnesses on the defensive and
                      portray Yugoslavia as a victim of NATO's 1999 bombing
                           "Milosevic's performance has hurt Djindjic. Even
                      Milosevic's opponents are saying that decent Serbs have no
                      choice but to support Milosevic against The Hague," Mr.
                      Trifkovic said.
                           Mr. Djindjic promised to get Western aid to revive
                      Serbia's economy in return for delivering Mr. Milosevic to the
                      tribunal, but that has not happened, Mr. Trifkovic said. "This
                      has damaged Djindjic politically. ... Now, the Serbs feel that
                      they have the worst of both worlds."
                           Mr. Djindjic meanwhile has followed the pattern of other
                      former Yugoslav republics in using economic reform and the
                      privatization of state industries to consolidate his hold on
                           "Djindjic has established control over the economic and
                      media levers in Serbian society. He is propping up a series of
                      prominent ruling families who pull the strings from the
                      background," Mr. Trifkovic said.
                           "We will have a post-communist oligarchy similar to that
                      of Milosevic — except that this one can present itself as
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