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                                                 ON “COLLECTIVE GUILT”
                                                 CIVILIZD LIES AND THEIR BRUTAL
                                                 EFFECTS AT HOME AND ABROAD

                                                            R. K. Kent

 Carla del Ponte said it. She is not at all after any “collective guilt” assigned to “the  Serbs.” The New York Times had a substantial article on “The  Hague. It’s a Leader on Trial, Not a People,” (2-17-02)  by   Barbara  Crossette. An immediate question comes to mind. Let us grant the premise but how can the Serb People avoid being tagged with collective guilt when the Tribunal is essentially an endless parade of “testimony” to the “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity and peace” committed by “the Serbs?” Bosnian Muslim women in tears, dead bodies in Kosovo, ethnic Albanians as refugees fleeing Kosovo, destroyed homes and the like being played and re-played, possibly for two years, will “pile” ipso facto “guilt” on the Serb collective, right o wrong.  The only possible antidote to this scenario would be for the Tribunal  to  pay for  travel to the Hague  (with lodging and food) of tens of thousands  of SERB VICTIMS but the Tribunal would  never pay for counter-evidence and since “the Serbs” are “not on trial” for “collective guilt” there is no reason to “give Milosevic” more “propaganda” tools. Casuistry is alive and well at the Hague.

Actually, all of this is hardly novel.  Crippling  economic sanctions punished the Serbs collectively for over a decade while maintaining the first Civilized Lie  that the sanctions were not meant to punish the “Serb People” but only to persuade them to topple Milosevic. This  came with zig-zags on Milosevic as well . Man of the Year at Dayton. Butcher of the Balkans after showing his teeth to NATO  (read U.S.) at Kosovo. In documented fact, the -then Tribunal’s Prosecutor(Arbour) went to Washington, D.C. to obtain PERMISSION  to indict  Milosevic as a “war criminal.” When the Serbs marched in a cold winter to bring “Slobo” down, Mr. Clinton and Associates decided not to interfere. It was easier to deal with a strong man than  with  some  two  dozen “cackling”  Serb parties. A “civilized”: silence took the floor.

Electoral Democracy is a pain in the neck when the White House and the Pentagon do not need it. An inverse “yield” comes about when the U.S. supports terrorists against “designated” “enemies” but reacts with its Might against even a whiff of terrorism directed at itself. The more this invisible war on terrorism goes on, amid contradictions in the Balkans and Afghanistan,  the more it is becoming apparent that it is not vengeance, it is not even a simple and unavoidable  riposte to 9-11 but something ENTIRELY  else. It is a war on the vermin who even could come to  DREAM  to challenge the awesome ARSENAL  and CREDIBILITY of  the only remaining Super-Power’s Might.

In the Balkans, memories are long and there is no reason why most people who reside in the  Western  countries  should  have  them  as well. In fact, many of  the  leaders  in  the West have taken part in the re-writing of contemporary history without undue worry that the publics- at- large will even have a hint at what carving is  actually being done on  the cadaver of truth. Thus, the  next  Civilized Lie was that “our” intervention in ex-Yugoslavia was encapsulated in “Humanitarian Concerns.” It was, in reality, an entry meant to transform and save NATO by providing it with an enemy  that  REPLACED   the  defunct “Evil Empire.” The SERBS were CHOSEN  and all of their local adversaries (for whatever reasons) became automatically “our” “friends” in the application of reasoning- by-analogy that prevailed in Europe’s Middle Ages.

This sequence came also on the  heels  of the  famous  Reagan  White  House  “CIVILIZED” lie that it was “imperative  and necessary”  to “smash” all the  lingering neo-Communist regimes of Eastern Europe after an informal  “Concordat” with the “Polish Pope.” The IMF went to work in the ex-Yugoslav space in spades, insuring the intra-Republican rivalries and assisting the break-ups. The  locally  painful, across-the-board,   problem was  that  a  new and functioning system was not even remotely in place anywhere. In Serbia (and elsewhere) over one half of the work force happens to (still)  be begging for a job. As Max Weber and Werner Sombart  have shown, inter alia, the functioning Capitalist societies cannot be created  by force-feeding, quickie arrangements and autos-da-fe. Those really  hurt  translate  into  workers and the urban middle classes, often the sinews of functioning Democracies. By creating lasting economic and social miseries in the name of “Liberal” Democracy, Western leaders may well be digging that kind of Democracy its lasting grave. So far from the claim of a premature “death of History,” caused by “Liberal” Democracies everywhere, History will  bury that particular Ideology as well, just give it enough time. The precedents  regarding  all Ideologies are simply  too heavy and too thick to be “relegated to History.”

When the NATO (U.S.) bombings in Yugoslavia started at the end of March 1999, they began  with   another Lie, one of a  “Virtual War.” There was  no  Declaration  of War from the U.S. Congress. The “air war,” everyone was told, was not a war against the “Serbian People” but only against Milosevic. It did not take long to bring into open view that the very opposite held as  civilians  and  civilian targets were blasted for eleven weeks. One  top  American General  came across magnificently. General Short, who commanded the “air war,” compared the Serbs to a “snake” and said that in order to kill a snake you’ve got to go for its head  first. He documented this  with three long-range hits of places where Milosevic and his family were supposed to have been but were not. The same General “revealed”( in a moment of candor surpassing his penchant for crude remarks) that “we were out to break the will of the Serbian people.”

So, after years of  no collective  punishment, no collective guilt is going to be promoted at all through the  so-called International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (oops, they will have to change “Yugoslavia” since it does not exist officially any longer). Anyone who believes that must believe that Mickey Mouse is a giant rat involved in all the Hollywood Productions.

History Department.
University  of California,
Berkeley, CA. 94720


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