
Oh no, not that ( expletive deleted ) Maggie O'Kane

Nancy will object if I use the word.

O'Kane was a British Foreign Office propagandist back
in 1992-5, and her "reports" were played up, played up
and played up again in Britain. 

> > > > did Maggie O'Kane find that word in any
> Serbian source? "

She didn't, it will have come from British Foreign
Office briefings.

By her own admission she knew nothing about

Neither did the extraordinary attacks by feminists in
the US. and Britain come about by chance. The official
strategy, as with similar peerceived radical groups in
the early '50s, was to specifically recruit them
through propaganda. The admitted strategy of Ruder
Finn and other PR. firms was to exactly do that -
feminists were specifically targetted. 

--- Nancy Hey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---------------------------
> This is also because false liberals try to portray
> the image of Serbs as being
> rapists.  They do this to appeal to women's rights
> activists, and too many
> so-called "feminists" in this country are gullible
> enough to fall for this
> propaganda.
> They don't stop to examine the facts and see that
> many Serbian women have been
> raped by non-Serbian men in the conflicts in the
> Balkans.
> The feminist movement in the United States is really
> very disappointing.  They
> define "liberation" for women around the world by
> the standards of American
> culture, and materialism, without regard for the
> native cultures of the women
> they claim they are trying to liberate.  Many of
> them support Bush's war in
> Afghanistan, believing his propaganda that American
> bombs have helped to oust
> the Taliban, and that the Northern Alliance that the
> US has put in power their
> is somehow more sensitive to women's rights than the
> Taliban.
> They support abortion, and think it's a sign of
> "liberation" for a woman to
> have the "right" to kill her fetus, so it's not
> surprising that they could
> also justify the killing of innocent Serbian or
> Afghan civilians, if they can
> be convinced that the "ends" justify the means.
> peacefully yours,
> Nancy Hey
> "T.V. Weber & Alida Weber" wrote:
> >
> > --------------------------- ListBot Sponsor
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> >
> >
> > Pete,
> >
> > You said, "Maggie O'Kane's article "Hunting
> Karadzic"
> > (February 20) follows the current tendency to
> automatically
> > grant authenticity to all anti-Serbian
> testimonies."
> > Good letter--I'm glad you pointed that out.
> >
> > With that in mind, it appears to me that there is
> a
> > relationship between the above "current tendency"
> > and that of male-bashing.
> >
> > It may be politically incorrect for me to say
> this,
> > but hasn't anyone noticed the preponderance
> > among Serb-bashers of women who are obviously
> > embittered against men--and who have gleefully
> > seized upon the war against the Serbian people
> > as an opportunity to do extensive male-bashing
> > along with extensive Serb-bashing?
> >
> > Just for starters...
> >
> > Pippa Scott, described below, who took off on a
> > Serb-bashing tour as soon as her husband divorced
> her.
> >
> > Similarly, the Mad Cow, whose husband divorced her
> > some time ago--thus the spectacle of her bombing
> > the Serbs and at the same time slobbering all over
> > various KLA thugs and stooges.
> >
> > Hillary, the Ilsa Koch of Kosovo--no explanation
> necessary.
> >
> > Elizabeth Dole, a/k/a "Mrs. ViagraMan"--neither
> she nor her
> > husband have ever been capable of loving anyone in
> > sense of the word. An expensive pill is supposed
> to fix that?
> >
> > Catharine MacKinnon, male-bashing lawyer and
> professor,
> > who spread vicious false accusations about Serbs
> committing
> > rape--which is no surprise, given that she has
> been much
> > despised and ridiculed for her stance that just
> about all
> > heterosexual contact is "rape."
> >
> > Does anybody care to count up the various fading
> former
> > Hollywood starlets, wannabe rock divas, and
> discarded
> > ex-wives and ex-girlfriends of prominent
> entertainers,
> > who have found solace for their wounded egos in
> > Serb-bashing?
> >
> > Alida "The Serb from Hell" Weber, nee Jatich...
> > ...from here, EVERY direction is up!
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "john_peter maher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "john_peter maher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 1:10 AM
> > Subject: Good Radovan Hunting
> >
> > >
> > > > To the Editor:
> > > > Maggie O'Kane's article "Hunting Karadzic"
> (February 20) follows the
> > > > current tendency to automatically grant
> authenticity to all
> > > anti-Serbian
> > > > testimonies. Normal justice never accepted
> this sort of attitude until
> > > now.
> > > > If there hadn't been evidence of gas chambers,
> crematoria, mountains
> > > of
> > > > wigs. dentures, prostheses, bones and corpses,
> and if the accusations
> > > had
> > > > come exclusively from those who opposed
> Nazism, would the Nuremberg
> > > trials
> > > > have been the same? Even if it is politically
> correct to bash Serbs,
> > > the
> > > > Editor has a responsibility to warn his
> correspondents against easy
> > > cliches
> > > > if they lack hardcore evidence to support
> them.
> > > >          An example: the "masterplan" was a
> word used by the Nazis.
> > > Where
> > > > did Maggie O'Kane find that word in any
> Serbian source? It is an easy
> > > paste
> > > > up job which wouldn't be found in a serious
> report. This is only one
> > > > example, I wont list them all.
> > > >
> > > >          William Markiewicz
> > > >
> > > > At 07:55 PM 2/20/01 -0800, you wrote:
> > > > The Guardian
> > > >
> > > > Hunting Radovan
> > > > For five years Nato's spies have been tracking
> him through the remote
> > > > mountains of south-eastern
> > > > Bosnia. So why is Radovan Karadzic, Europe's
> most wanted war criminal,
> > >
> > > > still at large? Maggie O'
> > > > Kane picks up his scent
> > >
> > > I have a hunch that Maggie O'K, whose work
> already shows characteristics
> > > of
> > > fabrication now may be suspected of plagiarism.
> > > Is she a Soros creature too?
> > >
> > > The late lamented Albert Wohlstetter, Nalini
> Lasziewicz, pipp Scott, and
> > > Ian
> > > Williams [the ITN hack: Trnopolje hoax]
> > > werte part of "Bosnia Archives" 1994-96.
> > >
> > > Let's have a look at
> > >
> > > Pippa Scott's production on Firing Line. 16 5 98
> > >
> > > LORIMAR employee
> > >
> > > Radovan's mother was interviewed [by? when?] and
> shown in Pippa Scott
=== message truncated ===

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