
What is the U.S. Doing in Georgia? (Kommersant-vlast’)
Factors point to a war with Abkhazia
by Olga Allenova
19.03.2002, 17:10

-Interestingly, Georgian journalists are talking about
rumors coming from the country's corridors of power,
claiming that all the fuss over the forthcoming
operation in the Pankisis Gorge is nothing but a
tactical move designed to distract public opinion from
preparations for a war with Abkhazia. 

Journalists come to Georgia's capital Tbilisi in
droves these days. The hotels are packed to
overflowing, with numerous journalists from Moscow
roaming the corridors of Georgian government
buildings. Mirian Kiknadze, head of the public
relations service of the defense ministry, is not
amused: "There are so many journalists around here
that the troops can't keep up with their training
schedule," he complained. Nobody is trying to shoo the
journalists away, though. On the contrary, everybody
is going out of their way to make them comfortable.
Want to visit a military airfield? Go ahead. Want to
see troops in training? No problem. Or, perhaps, you
want to see the new American UH-1H helicopters? Be our
guest. The invitations seem to be intended to
demonstrate that the Georgians have nothing to hide.

The invitations seem to be intended to demonstrate
that the Georgians have nothing to hide.  
Defense Minister David Tevzadze confessed to me he
could not understand Russia's policies. He said Moscow
already knew in the fall of last year that U.S.
special-purpose troops would come to Georgia,
stressing that the two sides made arrangements for the
visit back in 1995 following the signing of a program
of cooperation between Georgia's National Guard and
the National Guard for the state of Georgia, the
United States. "We said at a briefing in October that
American specialists would visit us under a program
that would be implemented in the following months,"
the Minister said. "Russia's military attache attended
that briefing. And now three months later -- this
scandal over American special-purpose troops. As if we
tried to hide our plans and act in an underhand way.
That's what I don't understand. We are not hiding

Nearly all of General Tevzadze's subordinates are
former Soviet officers, but none of them has any
qualms about the prospect of being trained by
Americans. "If the Russians agreed to do the same, we
would not reject their help either. Our army does need
help; the men have lost many of their skills. You'll
see that on the training ground." The minister said he
was proud of the fact that he had gone through a
course of study in the United States.

Frankly, as the other journalists and I watched a
battalion training at the Krtsanisi training ground, I
did not get the impression that the Georgian Army was
all that weak. In fact, the exercise looked quite
impressive, with soldiers jumping out of a mock
helicopter and opening fire on the run, firing at
targets, climbing a vertical wall and carrying other
soldiers over their shoulders. That is not the sort of
thing you would normally see in a Russian Army unit.

Interestingly, Georgian journalists are talking about
rumors coming from the country's corridors of power,
claiming that all the fuss over the forthcoming
operation in the Pankisis Gorge is nothing but a
tactical move designed to distract public opinion from
preparations for a war with Abkhazia. Whether this is
true or not is hard to say, but what catches the eye
is that Georgian military officials are only too
willing to talk about Pankisis, but give incoherent
and evasive replies to journalists' questions about

What catches the eye is that Georgian military
officials are only too willing to talk about Pankisis,
but give incoherent and evasive replies to
journalists' questions about Abkhazia.  
One of the rumors claims that the Pankisis operation
will equip the Georgian troops with skills for an
operation in the mountains of Abkhazia. There are
reports claiming that American commanders will lead
Georgian troops to Pankisis, but not a single official
has confirmed the reports. Georgia's constitution says
foreign troops cannot take part in military operations
within the country's territory. But a Georgian
journalist suggested in a conversation with me that
Tbilisi might dub the military operation a training
exercise, and in that case the operation would be
quite in line with the constitution. "After all," he
pointed out, "Russia hasn't been calling a war, a

I asked the Georgian minister to tell me about how the
Americans would train Georgian troops. "Nothing
special," he replied, "but it will be on a different
level...a very high level. As you understand, our
people should have proper clothes, footwear and food.
The American military provides all that under a joint
program." The general said the aid was quite

Defense ministry officials told me that six American
UH-1H helicopters and two Turkish ones had arrived at
the Vaziani military airfield. Foreign technicians
laying the groundwork for the construction of
helicopter hangers would teach the Georgian airmen.

About a year ago graduates of Georgia's National
Military Academy were dispatched to the United States
to learn to pilot the helicopters that were to be
supplied to Georgia. Over eight months, Georgian
pilots were taught how to pilot them in bad weather
and at night. The Georgians received excellent
piloting skills and a good command of English. The
latest group of Georgian pilots is going through
training now. When they return home, they will teach
their skills to the younger generation of pilots.

Author(s): Olga Allenova
Translators: Gennady Nikiforov 
Copywrite Editor: Suzanne Daly 

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