

Comdare Jim Yarker from Canada wrote:-

 "Of course the "free, fair and oh so objective"
Western so-called "news" media is not reporting
this story at all!!!"

Well that says a lot about "press freedom" in the western imperialist media.

Read on


The Herald (Harare), 3/20/02

SA House endorses presidential
ballot result

CAPE TOWN - South Africa's parliament yesterday
approved a report by an observer team which found
that the hotly disputed election result in Zimbabwe
represented the will of the people.

The National Assembly approved a motion that the
vote, which put President Mugabe back in office for
another six-year term after 22 years in power,
"substantially" reflected the popular will.

The parliamentary observer team had presented a
report which described the election as "a credible
statement of the will of the people" but stopped
short of calling the May 9-11 vote free and

The report was endorsed by the ruling African
National Congress (ANC), which had a majority
on the observer team, and the small United
 Democratic Movement (UDM).

However, observers from opposition parties dissented
 from the report, and called on the House to recognise
that the elections were not free and fair.

Ruling party chief whip Ms Nosiviwe
Mapisa-Nqakula criticised British Prime Minister
Tony Blair for pre-judging the presidential poll by
saying he would not accept President Mugabe's

"That was not only unfortunate, but also extremely
dangerous coming as it did from the head of a former
colonial power," she said.

South African President Thabo Mbeki, who has
yet to make a pronouncement on the election,
was meeting yesterday with Nigerian President
Olusegun Obasanjo and Australian Prime Minister
John Howard in London to make recommendations
on Zimbabwe's possible suspension from the

These troika talks follow a damning interim report
 by a Commonwealth observer team, which
concluded that the poll was marred by violence,
intimidation and dodgy electoral practices designed
 to benefit Cde Mugabe. - AFP.


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