Catching the FBI in a Big Fat Lie 

On September 11, 2001, United Airlines Flight 93 crashed into a 
reclaimed strip mine in 
Somerset County, Pennsylvania.  According to the FBI, the aircraft 
impacted intact after an 
apparent struggle in the cockpit between determined terrorists and 
equally determined passengers. 

The FBI released this photo shortly after the crash. 


The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection released this 
photo a few days later. 


The pattern of impact is consistent with an aircraft with significant 
lateral movement, 
a "fan" pattern where debris is blown in the direction the aircraft was 
headed.  [see this PBS link:] 
Debris found two and eight miles from the crash was explained by this 
"splatter" effect, bolstered by 
winds reported in the area at the time.  The effect of the wind can be 
seen in the burned trees as well. 

NOAA records indicate an average windspeed that day of between 7 and 8 
knots, with a maximum sustained 
windspeed of 13 knots.  This jibes with the FBI's contention that the 
debris was carried by the wind. 


Look at this photo of an SR-71 crash in 1967.  Faithful Bartcop 
readers know I'm intimately familiar with this crash. 


The grass in this farmer's field is similar to that replanted in 
stripmine reclamation projects. 
Windspeed at the time of this accident was recorded as 15 knots.  As you 
can see, fire from the 
wreckage was spread through the grass by the wind.  You can clearly 
determine the direction 
of the wind by the way the fire spread.  Just like the FBI and PDEP 


In order to put the photos in perspective, I obtained DOQ (Digital 
Orthophoto Quadrangle) 
imagery from the USGS of the Pennsylvania site, as a "before" 


This showed two important things.  First, that the impact indeed occured 
on the border between 
flammable grassland and equally flammable forest. 

Second, and much more importantly, it showed me which way was north. 
Something the other photos oddly enough didn't bother to indicate. 

Clearly, the photos from the FBI and PDEP show a fan pattern which 
an aircraft movement south, as well as a wind blowing towards the south. 

Had it been blowing another direction, the grass would have caught fire. 

The debris the FBI contends was blown by the wind was found several 
miles to the north and east, near Indian Lake.  In other words, to get 
from the impact, it would have to have flown 2 to 8 miles against the 
strong wind. 

This means simply that the debris separated from the aircraft before it 
hit the ground, 
the result of an in-flight breakup of some kind.  There are several 
possibly causes for this. 

The debris could simply have been dropped from the moving plane. 
This is unlikely, as a 757's doors are constructed with the "plug" 
model, which is 
to say they only open inward - an impossible feat when the aircraft is 

A bomb detonation within the fuselage is equally unlikely, considering 
the size of the 
impact crater.  The Pan Am flight which exploded over Lockerbie was 
spread out 
over 100 square miles.  In addition, Ashcroft's FBI (who of course we 
implicitly trust) 
told us there was no evidence of bomb material in the wreckage. 

The third, and most likely cause, was a minor but fatal explosion of an 
engine, which 
could rip the fuselage and cripple the plane but not cause it to 
necessarily drop like a stone. 

Given the situation, in the most likely culprit in an engine explosion 
would be an air-to-air missile, 
which would home in on the engine's heat output, and not have enough 
high explosive in its 
warhead to vaporize the entire aircraft ( cites the 
Korean 747 the USSR 
shot down in 1983 as an excellent example of this). 

That last is speculative;  the information before it is not. 
The Department of Defense may know more than it is telling, 
but the FBI is simply lying. 

Latest Update
Flight 93 Eyewitness Accounts

Crash Witnesses Accounts:

"I heard like a boom and the engine sounded funny," she told the Daily 
News. "I heard two more booms - and then I did not hear anything."

What does Temyer think she heard? "I think the plane was shot down," 

"It came in low over the trees and started wobbling," said Tim 
Thornsberg, a resident of Somerset County, who was working near an old 
strip mine when he saw the plane.

"Then it just rolled over and was flying upside down for a few seconds 
... and then it kind of stalled and did a nose dive over the trees. It 
was just unreal to see something like that."

Eric Peterson, 28, was working in his shop in the Somerset County 
village of Lambertsville yesterday morning when he heard a plane, looked 
up and saw one fly over unusually low.

The plane continued on beyond a nearby hill, then dropped out of sight 
behind a tree line. As it did so, Peterson said it seemed to be turning 

Then Peterson said he saw a fireball, heard an explosion and saw a 
mushroom cloud of smoke rise into the sky. 

“I saw the plane flying upside down overhead and crash into the nearby 
trees. My buddy, Doug, and I grabbed our fire extinguishers and ran to 
the scene,” said Blair.

Eric Peterson of Lambertsville looked up when he heard the plane. "It 
was low enough, I thought you could probably count the rivets," Peterson 
said. "You could see more of the roof of the plane than you could the 
belly. It was on its side." 

"There was a great explosion and you could see the flames. It was a 
massive, massive explosion. Flames and then smoke and then a massive, 
massive mushroom cloud."

“Normally I wouldn’t look up, but I just heard on the news that all the 
planes were grounded and thought this was probably the last one I would 
see for a while, so I looked up,” she said. “I didn’t see the plane but 
I heard the plane’s engine. Then I heard a loud thump that echoed off 
the hills and then I heard the plane’s engine. I heard two more loud 
thumps and didn’t hear the plane’s engine anymore after that.”

"We didn't hear that plane coming until it was right on top of us," she 
said. "Then there was a roar." She said the plane appeared to be gliding 
into the ground. "All at once it just stopped. There was no engine 
noise, nothing. Someone hollered, Oh my God!' and then there was a real 
loud thud."

Shortly after 10 a.m., workers on farms and scrap yards in Somerset 
County looked up to see an airliner flying low and erratic at an 
estimated 450 mph.

Bob Blair of Stoystown was driving a coal truck on state Route 30 when 
he saw the jet plummet "straight down." Barn windowpanes for half a mile 
around shattered as the jet dived into a reclaimed strip mine and 
exploded at 10:10 a. m. 

A witness told WTAE-TV's Paul Van Osdol that she saw the plane overhead. 
It made a high-pitched, screeching sound. The plane then made a sharp, 
90-degree downward turn and crashed.

Bob Blair was completing a routine drive to Shade Creek just after 10 
a.m. Tuesday, when he saw a huge silver plane fly past him just above 
the treetops and crash into the woods along Lambertsville Road. 
Blair, of Stoystown, a driver with Jim Barron Trucking of Somerset, was 
traveling in a coal truck along with Doug Miller of Somerset, when they 
saw the plane spiraling to the ground and then explode on the outskirts 
of Lambertsville. 
“I saw the plane flying upside down overhead and crash into the nearby 
trees. My buddy, Doug, and I grabbed our fire extinguishers and ran to 
the scene,” said Blair. 

Another witness, Michael Merringer, said he was out on a mountain bike 
ride with his wife, Amy, about two miles from the crash site. 

"(I) heard the engine gun two different times," he said. "(I) heard a 
loud bang and the windows of the houses all around rattled."

Larry Williams, a former state police trooper who is now a private 
investigator, was golfing on the 17th green at Oakbrook Golf Course 
about eight miles away when he heard the engines “roar real loud and 
shut off.” 

"We got the call about 9:58 this morning from a male passenger stating 
that he was locked in the bathroom of United Flight 93 traveling from 
Newark to San Francisco, and they were being hijacked," said Glenn 
Cramer, a 911 supervisor.

"We confirmed that with him several times and we asked him to repeat 
what he said. He was very distraught. He said he believed the plane was 
going down. He did hear some sort of an explosion and saw white smoke 
coming from the plane, but he didn't know where. 

"And then we lost contact with him." 

Meanwhile, investigators also are combing a second crime scene in nearby 
Indian Lake (2.5 miles from main crash site), where residents reported 
hearing the doomed jetliner flying over at a low altitude before 
"falling apart on their homes."

"People were calling in and reporting pieces of plane falling," a state 
trooper said. Jim Stop reported he had seen the hijacked Boeing 757 fly 
over him as he was fishing. He said he could see parts falling from the 
I lost this link.. but since the witness name is there I've left it up.

Some witnesses reported that the plane was flying upside down for a time 
before the crash; others said they heard up to three loud booms before 
the jetliner went down. 

"There was no way anything was left," Pluta added. "There was just 
charred pieces of metal and a big hole. The plane didn't slide into the 
crash. It went straight into the ground. Wings out. Nose down." 

Bits of metal were thrown against a tree line like shrapnel, said state 
police spokesman Trooper Thomas Spallone of Troop A in Greensburg. 

"Once it hit, everything just disintegrated," he said. "There are just 
shreds of metal. The longest piece I saw was 2 feet long."



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