
[What a perfectly convenient 'terrorist' attack. Would
seem to suit Silvio Berlusconi's agenda to a tee.
Bombs over Rome?] 

Wednesday March 20, 5:37 PM 
Italian government advisor killed, PM vows to fight
A senior advisor to Italy's right-wing government who
was linked to controversial labour reform plans has
been assassinated in what Prime Minister Silvio
Berlusconi denounced as a terrorist attack. Marco
Biagi, a 51-year-old economist and law professor, was
shot twice in the neck outside his home in central
Bologna as he returned home by bicycle Tuesday
evening, the Ansa news agency reported, quoting
sources close to the investigation. Police said no one
had claimed responsibility for the killing. 
But journalists said they saw a five-point star, the
symbol of the ultra-left Red Brigades guerrilla group,
carved on the door of Biagi's house after the
departure of security forces. They said it was
impossible to say if the symbol had been put there
Biagi was an advisor in the labor ministry, which has
backed controversial labor reforms that have sparked
fury among unions and are expected to bring one
million people onto the streets Saturday in a
nationwide protest. 
Italy's three largest unions are also considering 
calling a general strike to protest the reforms, which
will make it easier to hire and fire employees. The
unions called a two-hour general strike for Wednesday
to protest Biagi's killing. 
The prime minister reacted late Tuesday to the murder
by saying: "Terrorism shows itself once again, after
the assassination of Massimo D'Antona, a topical
danger that must be fought with all the necessary
Biagi's death bears similarities to the 1999 killing
of D'Antona, an aide to Italy's labor minister at the
time, Antonio Bassolino, which was claimed by the
successors to the Red Brigades. The Red Brigades
guerrilla group was involved in bombings and
assassinations in Italy in the 1970s to mid-1980s,
with their most high-profile action being the
kidnapping and later killing of the leader of the
Christian Democrats, Aldo Moro, in 1978. Berlusconi
said that in the social and political conflict between
his government and the unions and the left, "one must
stop considering adversaries as enemies. We must end
the spiral of political hatred and a deadly way of
speaking worthy of a civil war." Labor Minister
Roberto Maroni, a leading figure in the anti-foreigner
Northern League within Berlusconi's right-wing
government, was informed of the killing after
recording a television programme about a controversial
modification of labor law and said he was "shattered"
by the news. Interior Minister Claudio Scajola decided
to cut short his official visit to the United States
following the killing and return to Italy overnight to
brief parliament on Wednesday, aides said, adding he
was in close contact with Berlusconi. Public
prosecutor Luigi Persico went to the scene of the
crime shortly after the killing. European Commission
President Romano Prodi, a former Italian prime
minister, said in a statement from Brussels he was
"shocked" by Maroni's killing. The head of the
Northern League's parliamentary group, Alessandro Ce,
said he was "worried". "We have to see what are the
concrete elements, but how he was killed is worrying.
Without wanting to draw links with this murder, it is
clear that there is a climate surrounding employment
which can end up in tragedy," Ce said. "We will wait
before drawing conclusions, but the fact is that the
mass mobilisation and continued accusations against
the government that it is cutting down on workers'
rights is creating a heavy atmosphere. Let's hope that
this event is not linked to this climate," he said.
Witnesses said Biagi was lying in his blood next to
his attache case. 
Born in 1950 in Bologna, Biagi was married and father
of one child. He also wrote for the economic daily Il
Sole 24 Ore and had recently published a book on
labour policy. 

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