
AP (with additional material by Ananova and CNN). 21 March 2002. Red
Brigades Claim Responsibility for Slaying.

ROME -- An offshoot of the Red Brigades terror group claimed
responsibility for the slaying of a government adviser in a communique
posted on the Internet on Thursday.

The claim came a day after Interior Minister Claudio Scajola publicly
blamed the group for the murder of economist Marco Biagi, who was
working on labor reform - a bitterly contested issue in Italy.

Biagi, a 52-year-old university professor, was the second economist
working on labor reform to be gunned down in three years.

The claim of responsibility came at the beginning of a 26-page document
written in turgid political prose that was e-mailed to an independent
regional news agency, Caserta 24 Ore. The agency posted it on its
website Thursday.

"An armed nucleus of our organization executed Marco Biagi," the
document begins, saying Biagi was targeted because his work as a
consultant to the labor minister made him part of a government that
"represents the interests of bourgeois imperialism."

In its diatribe against modern capitalism, the group accused Biagi of
"exploiting" workers with the labour reforms he had co-authored.

The message described Biagi's reforms as a "regulation of the
exploitation of salaried workers."

The document praises the September 11 attacks, saying they show "how it
is possible to carry out highly destructive attacks in enemy territory,
with destabilising effects, without the use  of technologically advanced

The document says that the US military response to the September 11
shows the "need for the forging of alliances between anti-imperialistic
forces and revolutionary forces in the regions of Europe, the
Mediterranean and the Middle East."

The Interior Ministry had no immediate comment.

A day earlier, the interior minister said Biagi was killed with the same
9 mm handgun used in the 1999 slaying of another government economics
adviser, Massimo D'Antona.

Both men advocated measures to loosen up Italy's labor market, one of
the most rigid in Europe, by making it easier to fire workers.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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